
Tangentially related: When I was in high school, one of my friends won a Bananas in Pajamas stuffed toy from a claw machine. They named him Jay Banatsby (we were reading Gatbsy in English class at the time). When prom rolled around, my friend made Jay a tiny tuxedo. We all took photos with him in the parking lot.

I urge you to reach out to someone in real life and share these feelings. I lost a cousin to suicide and know he thought that was his only option , but he was not thinking clearly because of the pain. Just because you think you can't succeed, doesn't mean life isn't worth living. Depression lies. Please reach out for

Damn. Don't know what to say. Coming up on the five year anniversary of my wife's suicide - all I can say is; You might think nobody cares, or would care if you were just gone. I don't know you or your struggles, but I'll bet there is somebody out there that would miss you. Besides, even though life can be really

I'm so sorry you're feeling depressed. Can you tell us what you mean when you say you don't know if you're going to make it in the long run? Are you having thoughts of harming yourself? Are you alone or do you have friends/ family you can contact? Please know there is help available. Please answer.

Don't bother coming over to my house for Thanksgiving. I use a 5 gallon bucket from a certain home improvement store to hold my turkey and hose water as the base to my brine.

Just curious, what applications are you guys peeling potatoes for? I can't think of the last time I peeled them. I leave the skin on for basically everything.

I'm also a liberal catholic feminist woman. Educated by the Sinsenawa Dominican sisters (basically progressive hippies). I don't leave the church because much of it still speaks to my soul & change never comes from outside. You're totally not alone.

I haven't read a mommy blog because I'm not a Mom. I'm not a Mom because my body may be designed to have babies but it's broken and it can't. After a year and a half of tests docs say if I can get pregnant and actually keep it it will be a "miracle" and we cannot afford the 30k in adoption fees required to adopt

Haha - I'm on the fence with having kids, but even I can see how "mommy blogs" insufferable though I'm sure many of them are, are actually of far more practical value than fashion, fitness, travel, or career blogs. Because despite the fact that our bodies are physically designed to reproduce, most of us are not born

Reading your vitriol and all that followed makes me not want to read comments anymore. The story was about instagrams questionable practices. Instead of debating this, the angry women swoop in to attack the blogger for an offhanded comment about raising her child—something you know nothing about. Or worse, writing

Now, now. It's only having and raising children and then daring to talk about it that makes women so insufferable. Every other activity is acceptable.

You seriously have no idea how snobby and full of shit you sound.

"Don't waste time mourning - organize!"

By rebuilding a strong labour movement, supporting lefty/socialist parties and candidates, to push for stuff like student loan forgiveness, higher wages across the board, sane hiring practices (e.g. no more requiring a degree for jobs that really don't require a degree), repatriating some industries and jobs,

There are plenty of countries where living with families is the norm and they seem to have no problem with all those things.

I am 31 and live with my parents (as does my 29 year old brother, my younger sister is in Germany and my older sister is married with kids). People don't believe me that we get along so well. I'm so blessed with awesome parents. When the house is empty, my Dad says he can't stand it too long. My parents went to

My parents conditioned me to know that I would be taking care of them as geriatrics by taking care of their geriatric parents.

These kinds of articles really tick me off. There is no shame in living with your parents. People all over the world do it all of the time. Squeezing ourselves into these myopic social constructs is needless and harmful. Cut the Western sitcom punch line bullshit and just let people be poor, and housed, and loved.

If adult kids are really living with their parents in order to do nothing and be lazy, that's a problem I guess. Otherwise, I fail to see anything at all alarming about this trend. In most other countries on Earth, it is much more normal to live with parents through college, until marriage, and/or for large portions