Solidarity. All my friends act like bras are Satan's own shackles, but I am super, super uncomfortable without one. Underthings foreverrrr.
Solidarity. All my friends act like bras are Satan's own shackles, but I am super, super uncomfortable without one. Underthings foreverrrr.
Holy shit. At this point I'm just gonna pile on: run. Seriously. Get out of this as fast as you can. This is not an ok, healthy marriage and his behavior is just not acceptable. Married couples should be supportive and have a sense of partnership - even when shit gets real, you need to be able to sit down and discuss…
Father's Day is weird for me this year, since I recently started therapy to process my childhood trauma. What do you say to the Dad that beat you for over a decade? Apparently you send him a text. Shout out to everyone out there having a tough day today.
Maneki, I second a lot of the advice here. Start plotting your separation like yesterday and make sure others you love and trust are lined up to help you with logistics. You need to move him out or move our yourself, after talking to a lawyer.
That is absolutely beyond the bounds of normal child curiosity/exploration around body parts. Putting each others' genitalia in their mouths sets off warning bells to me, and may be a sign of inappropriate, sexualized behavior secondary to abuse or psychiatric issues (of course, one often stems from the other). I'm a…
hello! I'm gonna offer some insight as a therapist: some sexual curiosity is normal, like maybe touching because boys learn at a young age that their penis is a source of pleasure. However oral sex is something a little more advanced and id be concerned if the boy hasn't been sexually abused or seen pornography. Add…
About 20 years ago, I failed out of Brassfield elementary because my report on viruses was judged to be incomplete; the information they said I should have included was in a book that was missing from the library. I now make my way through life deep in a coal mine by day and trading my body for a tuna sandwich and…
I had brain surgery. No biggie, but how it happened it rather nasty. If you put your tongue up over your teeth - feel that dangly thing? That was the first cut. Then they lifted my face - literally, and put instruments in my nose. It was about a 6 hour surgery. After surgery they packed my nose with gauze. It…
People can say what they want about cheerleading but it won't change the fact that it needs to be better regulated. Think of it like Cross fit, poor instruction can lead to catastrophic injuries. The only way to regulate it at this point is to legally define it as a sport. This needs to happen in order to put safety…
I had a uncharitable view of cheerleading, especially as a sport, until I watched an episode of Penn and Teller's Bullshit. The level of acrobatics, ensuing injuries, and total lack of guidance for these young people was stunning. That fact that it wasn't classified as a sport seemed political, to avoid such safety…
Well it's about damn time. At their annual meeting in Chicago this weekend, the American Medical Association joined…
I, for one, like our First Amendment and do not want it to be changed in any way.
"non-lothario guinea pig who refuses to leave cage watches from afar, then logs onto chat room to complain about how female guinea pigs only like assholes"
These stories make me think nopenopenope.
:( Sorry. If it helps I had a very Catholic mother that was very concerned about virginity. But this is partially why I admire my parents so much. My mom is super catholic and my dad is a staunch atheist, yet they are still married after 34 years and were and are always respectful of each other's beliefs. Also, I give…
I love "Stop Making Sense." I saw it when it first came out and I was in college, and it was quite awesome.
Check out the book that inspired Mean Girls but is actually about slightly younger girl dynamics:…
My very social 10 year old has had a rough year. Many of her "friends" have gotten very clique-y, and she's developing already (unlike the other girls) so she's very mood-swingy and forlorn about the situation. We are working on finding some new after school activities to meet a fresh mix of girls so she has options…