It's not indulging when she sends me all these amazing links! Your mom is the best!
It's not indulging when she sends me all these amazing links! Your mom is the best!
I urge you to look into Carol Dweck's research about growth versus fixed mindset. There is also a good article summarizing her research in the NYMag. Basically, praising anyone for having "exceptional" ability typically backfires at some point. People perform (and learn) better in the long run when they develop a…
I'm a 30-year-old virgin myself, so I get the pressure, believe me. I wrote a Wall O' Text in response, but I think it'll be easier to understand the tl;dr version.
Michigan, which has really grown on me over the last several years that I've lived here. I would consider staying here permanently (I grew up in the SW), but I'm about to move to Germany to be with hubby—and I WILL be keeping up with Jez from Bavaria :)
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't go there. Mostly because if you plan to be truthful with future partners when they ask you about your past, visiting a sex worker for a lot of women is a deal breaker. Not saying it's right or fair, but I'm saying it may be an issue for many women in your future. Plently of women are…
If you want to give people a heap of cash, go ahead. Just don't pretend that anyone who objects to people throwing a party for themselves and then asking for cash has to "grow up."
That's pretty much the essence of tackiness. Gifts aren't just about giving you what you want. They're about giving you a nice thing that makes you think about your friend when you use it. My mom still thinks about the woman who gave her a toy for a baby shower. And she now uses it when her grandson comes around.
This response really bums me out. "Nobody has to be thoughtful, nobody has to anticipate your needs." Yuck. When my BF had her baby shower, she of course made a registry like most normal folks do. I got her a couple of inexpensive items that she wanted, but then I painted a baby tshirt with the insignia of her…
I think Anastasia is a much more beautiful name than Maria, but then my love of Russia is showing. You have a whole disney movie!!!
Lane was also the best friend on Gilmore Girls. Even though her mom was super strict she listened to lots of cool music. don't judge me, Stars Hallow is my happy place.
I was almost Adelaide - my dad loved it, but the great aunt I'm named for died two weeks before I was born so the plan changed. It wasn't until a few years ago that I realised my parent's 10th anniversary holiday to Australia was roughly 9 months before I was born.
I'm sad to see Ivy go, she and Julie are my favorites. Cecile and Marie-Grace seemed to have the MOST expensive of all the accessories, so I'm not surprised they are being archived. I don't think any of my daughter's friends have one of those two. Hopefully with the new launch more POC stories will be added. Honestly,…
Well I don't know about everyone else but, I went to the American Girl doll site and now I can't stop creating customizable dolls.
Molly was the best. I wore glasses. She wore glasses. She made me feel way comfortable in my geekiness.
Molly forever, indeed.
Back when Gary was still married to Uma Thurman ("What?!?! I had no idea!"), I had the pleasure of making my acting debut in a big feature film in a scene where it was just Gary, me, and a third (unconscious) actor in an elevator.
This brings up a very, very important question: WHO THE FUCK HATES ANDY GARCIA? Of alllllll the celebrities in the world to nitpick and shit all over, this person picks Andy Freaking Garcia? I don't get it.