
This looks like the surface of a diving board.

Look, let's be real here. These kids did not get suspended for flouting dress code rules alone. Students who violated dress code were asked to change and some were temporarily sent home to do so. The students who were suspended were suspended for rioting and failure to comply with school policy. I really can't find

"Attending school doesn't mean you are an expert and just because you pay taxes does not mean you get to run the place. Leave it up to us - we dedicated our lives to this. And sometimes it sucks - so we complain...Do parents become bad when they complain about their kids?"

I am guessing that the dress code checks were because it is getting warmer out and students start wearing smaller clothing, short shorts, strappy tees and other stuff that usually breaks dress code? The school most likely wanted to send a message about what kids think is OK to wear to school.

I have been teaching

FWIW, I agree w/ you. I love the irony of the some of the commenters here jumping down your throat because you made a criticism about teens (having been one and being around them, yes, they are the worst), but when there was an article about mothers talking about literally hating their children and regretting becoming

As someone who grew up poorish and sometimes had to to wear my dad's shirts (I was 90 lbs and 5'5'', he was 200 and 6'0'', you can imagine how great I looked int them), bc they couldn't afford new school clothes, I would have LOVED to have worn uniforms.

If something so small as that ruined him, he was already on that path anyway or just looking for an excuse. Seriously, i had WAY worse stuff happen to me, and i turned out okay.

Say what you want about school uniforms, but having uniforms does eliminate a lot of this type of unnecessary drama. Having a uniform makes what you wear to school a no-brainer...and that energy can be focused in other ways.

My 2nd Grade teacher, Mrs. Bohnar, would give students the "Vulcan nerve pinch" if they spoke out of turn or misbehaved in the 1970s. She was an strange, misguided shrew who just happened to be an excellent teacher who cared about her students — she just had poor management skills. I am currently a 5th Grade Teacher

Nicely done. I feel like it's a good day for OITNB-related gifs.

I imagine suspension is just an administrative step. If they don't fire her, the parents could easily charger her with assault and then they'd pretty much have to anyway. But I imagine it's a paperwork issue more than that they are letting her come back.

She will lose her job, I suspect. Since teachers are union, I assume the suspension is the first step in a bunch of required procedures that may take about 30-60 days. Although this case is pretty cut and dried, the process protects a lot if innocent teachers from crazy, reactive parents.

Union/bureaucratic hoops for sure. This woman will never teach again, thank all deities. I'm a teacher and a parent, and no matter how much a kid has pissed me off this is never never okay.

I work in education and will agree that it's common for this stuff to begin at home. However, it's actually not far fetched to say this kid has serious psych issues, that may have truly nothing to do with home or mom and dad. The instance in that kind of thing, (emotionally disturbed kids, or kids exhibiting psychotic

I got sick a couple weeks before my prom, but resolved to POWER THROUGH IT and didn't see a doctor until four days before the prom... when the doctor diagnosed me with a mononucleosis/strep-throat double-whammy.

Yeah, I don't think this is commentary on forcing yourself to be attracted to someone who you're not attracted to. It's about letting societal pressure bully you out of being attracted to someone who you ARE attracted to.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you and the little ones.

I am a horrible daughter today. My mom died when I was little and I was raised by my step mom. She worked hard for me growing up and always treated me well. She loves me and I love her. But the older I get and because I just became a mother myself, I just feel like she is most definitely NOT my mother. She just does