
i'm sorry things are difficult for you this time of year! love and hugs and lots of wine, babe.

this is exactly what i came here to ask for. my mother is alive but we have no relationship. she hasn't been my "mom" since i was 10 (and she legally gave me up at 12). i love that there is a day for other people to appreciate their mamas, but for me it is :(

i just got back from the grocery store with the ingredients

The Hug Chain is continuing in Ohio tonight. I agree, I can't wait for tomorrow to be over and done.

Continuing the hug chain. Appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Hugging you back. Hope it's not a shit day for you <3

Agreed. Some years are better than others. All the best.

Hug back, babe. Mother's Day can be hard for so many reasons, I'm personally just looking forward to Monday so I don't have to think about it for another year.

Huge hug to all the other motherless Jezzies. And those moms who have lost children. And to everyone who has a rough time on Mother's Day.

I can't wait to do this, but seeing as the high today is only 50, I'll have to wait a bit longer. :-(

At my school there is a restraining order against one of the parents. They are not allowed near the school due to threats of violence made against the staff.

My mother is a long-time public school teacher and I was a union rep at my university when I taught. Is there waste and largesse and excessive benefits for union officials? Yes. Are they essential for protecting those underpaid folks charged with educating against wayward admins? Hell yes. Unions are a mixed evil but

I'm confused- are you saying you don't understand the story? A parent threatened to punch a teacher out, and the administration did nothing. The end. Yes, this type of thing happens. I dread the day it happens to me. I know someone who worked at a school where there were so many threats and even physical attacks

Also, the advice about getting the kid transferred out of your class. Do that immediately. Five minutes ago. In-fucking-sist upon it. But understand that Mommy will bitch and moan about it — that it's hard for the kid to change horses mid-ride or some similar shit— because of course she will.

Every once in a while, I will go and look at the teacher positions that are open at other schools (positions for the classes I actually really, really want to teach) and I think about leaving my current position.

Agreed. As a teacher. I'm no fan of 90% of my union's actions. However, this is a textbook example of why they exist. Hopefully, this can also do something to change a preposterously unhealthy culture in your school.

LW #1- Please, please talk to your Union rep! That is a very messed up situation and you do not need to afraid to see a parent.

All teachers should understand this: administrators are not your friends. They are your bosses and they will throw you under the bus if it serves their purpose. The ones who stick by their teachers are rare. I say this with my current administrator being almost like a mom to me- outside of work. At work, she will let

One trend from back in the 90s that should come back is the "dateless" Prom.

I can only imagine how the teachers in my high school would've rolled their eyes if this had been a thing back in my day.