
Next year, in my district, a segment of teacher evaluations will be based on student surveys of their interpretation of the teacher's performance. I'm not expecting great reviews from the kids I've "forced" to do class activities and take tests. I'll probably lose a few points from the kid who was pissed I wouldn't

I teach middle school and whenever these stories come out it is just gross. My students are like my (temporary, part time) children.

Yes, because boys aren't socialized to think they should always want sex. THEY SO ALWAYS WANT IT. And if the point is moot maybe don't bring it up.

So what if he did love it? It's still fucked up and should be a crime. If you give teenagers alcohol and cigarettes they'll love that, too, but it's still a crime.

Beware the dogpile you are about to suffer.

The teacher is 100% wrong, whether the kid liked it or not is irrelevant (in that regard anyway). Frankly, if you're an adult teacher and you can't stand your ground against middle school kids' peer pressure, you're probably in the wrong profession. However, having said that, I highly doubt this kid was "terrified." I

Right? Once while subbing, I was shouted at by a sophomore student "flash me". After getting the class on task, I quietly sent him to the office on referral after calmly explaining that what he did was considered sexual harassment.

Right - teaching is a noble profession and it should be damned difficult to enter. (and better compensated). I taught aspiring teachers in Japan and France - only a small fraction of applicants make it. Most fail the qualifying exams or do not make it through the rigorous coursework. You have to be the best of the

agreed. I'm graduating in May and while I complain with my program friends about it, It's honestly pretty easy. Many people who shouldn't be teachers can get through it sadly.

If a middle schooler suggested thatI give someone lap dance, I'd probably I'd probably go to jail as well. For punching him in the throat.

He is a boy. Middle school. I think this post proves you are being silly.

One author who had an influence on me as a kid was Beverly Cleary. Today is her 98th birthday, so let us celebrate Cleary even as we mourn Townsend. Beverly Cleary never forgot what it feels like to be a kid, and her writing conveys this with absolute clarity. Her books endure because she somehow gets at the

I was originally thinking I'd go to the movies to see "The Grand Budapest Hotel", but I'm feeling lazy now, and will probably stay in. I'm thinking I'll watch "To Catch A Thief", because it's an old favorite.

To be fair there are ways to be amusing without completely obscuring the actual story

This probably shoulda been one of those articles with the 2 sentence summation and a link to the original article.

I love the look on the faces of non-parents and really skittish new parents when you tell them things like this.

Thanks to Alton Brown I knew of the oven method, however if you want to save yourself some time I bake for 8-12 minutes, broil for 5 minutes and then bake to taste.

Sports Night. And if you have seen Sports Night, watch Sports Night again.

Tony Orlando and Dawn! I remember the TV show. I'll run and hide now. Sorry. *pouting*

I did find my parents uncool and embarrassing in my teens (my mom wore nylons with her sneakers and polyester pants, and I found that inexcusably embarrassing), and I complained to everyone who listened about how insanely strict they were. However, I was secretly grateful that I wasn't left to my own devices about