
Orange Tabby Is the New Black.


This gif pretty much sums up my feelings:

I read about her this morning and the entire thing forced me to give my computer screen a One Finger Salute. She never explains WHY she did this. She never mentions WHAT any results/consequences/etc. were. She doesn't WRITE anything about her experience, but merely posted 1 picture a day featuring Starbucks food

You guisze. There's a THIRD bow on that shirt. For real. THREE BOWS.

Please go watch Fools and Horses right now, a butt ton of Brits can't be wrong!
Delboy is my spirit animal....

i suspect it may be a case of gradual design changes not being evaluated on a larger scale before the thing goes to production.

This is my favorite love story.

I met the BF on WoW. He was a night elf rogue, I was a gnome mage. I admired his stealth skills, he admired my arcane blast. We raided together and it worked out perfectly because he only rolled on leather, so I got a better shot at cloth. It's been 4 years now, and we've been through other MMOs (looking at you

On the justification thing I've realised using the word "just" was wrong I meant that there were other possible reasons and those were 3 that came to me (and I admittedly did not think them through). Unfortunately I can't edit for clarity :(

I submit that penguins giggling are cuter than penguins hopping:

Don't go chasing butterflies

Sad Bearded Jon Hamm is sad, you guyz.

I respect your personal views on sexy men, and I'm sure he's very nice and charming and fun, but whenever I look at him I can only see one thing:

The Canadian system — wherein the "Age of Consent" is 16, but people 14 and up can still consent to sex with a partner, provided that partner is within 5 years of their own age — makes more sense.

Little does she know that her husband won't be able to watch the game; he's traded his eyes for a very fancy jewelry box.


Okay, but why aren't they mentioning the flip side of this? If I have a dream that's got any type of sexy overtones, I'll wake up in the morning and want to hop on my gentleman friend, hard.