
NCAA Athlete: I'm just not really sure about all this union stuff, what do you think, Mark?

Oh sure, but when I dress up in a furry costume and grab a small white girl in Utah, it's all FBI this, and Amber Alert that.

Sad ending though, she was never claimed and now is the property of Mormon Enterprises, LLC.

Eastern PA: New Jersey

This photo really is disturbing. Athletes are supposed to be role models, people who our children can look to for guidance about the choices they make in life. A picture like this is suggestive of the worst kind of ignorance and dereliction of responsibility. I really don't know what to say. I mean, this man made

Browns receivers should know by now that weedin' is always going to make them look bad.

Peyton's request is a nice change of pace from Denver's last playoff winning QB, who wouldn't shutup about his love of spirits.

Eli, on the other hand, would never mess with that "light" shit. He goes right for the crafts.

Williams could not taste anything ... his mother, Ozepher Fluker, said, so she advised him to go to the hospital

I tell my children to idolize Roger Goodell. Go straight to the top, kids, no reason to pussyfoot around with these middle-management types. The Big Boss has it all. Nonprofit status for one of the most profitable organizations in existence, hilarious antitrust exemption, ongoing cover-up and marginalization of

I think you are completely off base with your answer. Michael Vick, Riley Cooper and Sean Payton are just poor examples. There are plenty of other players that are worthy of being idols. Maybe you will start seeing eye to eye if you place someone like Danny Woodhead on a pedestal.

So now the question becomes which narrative sticks?

Children are scary fans, true, but they're even more terrifying competitors, as anyone who's had to play against Danny Woodhead this year can attest.

He actually goes by Bill Callahan these days.

I'm going to play Untrustworthy Narrator!

Get better friends.

Sure, make fun of the quality of the costume, but little Jamie Moyer was only eight when he sewed it, so cut him some slack already.

Women. If they aren't destroying society with their whoredom, they're menstruating all over the Constitution.