
Sooooo I hate to be a contrarian, and yes this research study was totally inflated by the media (as is every research study), but research on risk factors and side-effects of oral contraceptives is not the enemy. I happen to think that it is empowering to have more information on the long-term impacts of taking an it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

Blindness? I'm more concerned with the increased breast cancer risk. But there's no way we're going back to condoms and the pill is just so gosh darn convenient.

Is he driving backwards?! Her hair is blowing the wrong way! Didn't anyone catch that? Also....are they having sex on a motorcycle?

No, it's definitely not just you.

It's terrible, right? It's not just me being a 40 year old lady who has no clue what is hip these days?

Is that how most of Kanye's songs sound? Because god damn that is disjointed and not pleasant to listen to >_>

I don't really care about any of these stories, so this is my only response.

The kid on the left looks like Maurice Chevalier and the baby on the right look like it's 25.

I don't get it. Also, babies are fucking creepy.

This has been posted a bajillion times everywhere, but I haven't seen anyone make the point that there is absolutely no way these babies are "mimicking life inside the womb". They are VERY CLEARLY fraternal twins, and that means two amniotic sacs. Separate sacs = no hugging. It's simply not possible.

I must be very out of touch with my womb because this didn't make me have any sort of reaction or feelings. :/ Am I dead inside?

I'll allow it, but only because you and I would be sister wives. I heart Hawk!

Denise approves.

And yet Asian women who would rather marry anyone in the world except Asian men get a pass.

Dear everyone complaining about the unmade bed:

I know where my cats are by what time of day it is.

Oh, yes. More beard-on-beard kissing, please.

Even if he doesn't do it for you, c'mon, he's conventionally attractive. I admit the hair is a distraction. But he is 41 years old. Forty. One.