Another 2 caprice going down the shitter. I can only repeat my comment from yesterday:
Another 2 caprice going down the shitter. I can only repeat my comment from yesterday:
Im asking myself why you guys always write its Vauxhall who are working on those Insignias and Astras. As far as I know they are mostly rebadged Opels (and Holdens), not sure how much they were involved in the actual development of those cars.
The need to save as many Caprices as possible from custom-shit like that above grows inside of me every day a little bit more.
*last gen before for fleet models they are bringing over now
You need like 5 minutes to get from one end of the city to the other in GTA IV. I dont know how slow those cars are in LA Noir, but 6 times the time for a distance thats not much longer sounds a bit extreme to me.
Kinda makes me want the Holden Statesman/new Caprice even more now :p
Bring back the Mark VIII!
Yeah but not everyones referring the term "game designer" to lead designers (you didnt explain that in the first place) since leads are actually only a very small part of the design team.
Game mechanics designer, level designer and quest designer are game designers and are propably exactly the position, if any, you will get as person who was in college and studied game design. Thats all I wanna say. The production section from above propably includes those as well, but producers (who dont have anything…
Im currently talking to one of their employees and might be the right one for a position there. I mainly wanna work there because your job is quite secure(they wont lose all their money and close the studio next months or so) and you get the chance to work on a great game (also, once you worked there for 2 yeas or so,…
What about all those people deciding what values an item in WoW or diablo should have, what name they have, how fast a character should be able to run, the guys who develop all those 1mio. browser games coming out each month? Those are all people who arent the guy who writes the story, got the idea of the general…
Im not sure about that. Game designers (if your arent gabe newell or someone comparable) usually get less money than Programmers, Producers (the guys watching the team and making sure they guys are doing their stuff in time) or Artists. If game designers are really counted as part of the production here, they are…
Im currently at the end of my studies as artist (did work with max and photoshop years before tho) and Crytek is currently at the very top of my list as future employer. I still have no idea what I should reply when they ask me what money I expect to get. While I know the averages in Germany are way below those of…
It wasnt meant that way. ;) Max Payne was quite revolutionary back in its time for its photo realistic graphics (for the time) and bullet time mode. Both games got great reviews, atmosphere, story, thats why everyone knows them.
What a stupid question. If not this game franchise, what else? :p Yes, both are great games one shouldve definitely played.
Noooooo, why would anyone do this to this poor Caprice?!
do want! Great looking car, theres less chrome on the back which is an improvement imo! Well done.
Zoll means inch and isnt part of the name of that rim :p so its "18 Zoll circle wheels" or just circle wheels I guess. #correction