To add to the list.. By BlackBeauty.. My BlackBook.. My 2008 Black MacBook.. My baby is being slowly murdered.
To add to the list.. By BlackBeauty.. My BlackBook.. My 2008 Black MacBook.. My baby is being slowly murdered.
Also what happened to my star!? AGONY! #sadface
Well put.. But it makes sense!
Not of the model was pressurised with a ratio comparable to the speed of the real thing.. With magic! or science.. Easy peasy.
The less RPG's in the middle east the better. Have you SEEN Black Hawk Down? Thos bastards are on every roof.
Not as readily available in PAKISTAN as RPG''s..!! C4 is unlocked at like level 68!! Anyone who's ever been to the middle east, or played a first person shooter knows, every douchebag out there has a few hidden on the roof for stray Black Hawks..
Try the fact that it's being built almost entirely based on the success the original store. Not only because of it's popularity, or beauty.. But the reason it started everything is enough.
No, the entertainment speaks for itself.. Seeing events with Stephen Fry, and meeting Paul Smith, Gemma Arterton,Gary Oldman. That kind of entertained. Not to mention free courses enabling you to learn the ins and outs of Logic, and Final cut which would generally cost 2-3,000 dollars.
You're all missing the point.. Apple stores don't exists to sell you stuff. They sell you products as a result of the experience you have during your time there.
Like Forest Gump smart?
I nearly threw up looking at the headline/ photo.. I jumped to the horrifying conclusion it was a flashlight can Michael Bay.. I still has a shiver.
For Apple people, there is the iPhone and iPad. Small.. Large.. For Android people there is a larger screen sized phone, and probably an iPad.
So it is forbidden for a Gadget blog to question the reason why the best selling handset maintains the smallest screen. Is that so far fetched? Not a fucking week ago, everyone was going mental that the iPhone was getting a larger screen. So in light of recent events.. you don't think it's reasonable for Gizmodo to…
How can you get around this!? Are you saying that a media company has to hire people based on what products they like?
It’s nice to see a company not being afraid to launch something without the need to mimic the most successful design. Windows stores thought they could just rock up with the same designer, and some expensive wooden tables and think that was enough. Sheer mimicry is not a business plan.