Kraken X41.
Kraken X41.
My main problem with the 360 is the limitation on headsets, requiring a 2.5mm jack to the controller.
Oh seriously Kotaku, Go fuck yourself.
I'm actually angry about this. And not just internet Angry. Like.. Wtf Angry...
No, but I care about games... My 360 is great at that.. and So will my next console.. Be it a ps4 or Juan... Most likely both. But probably Juan at launch.
The all in one is simple.. Albeit dumb.
I am definitely not one of those. I'm 23, living London. If MS wants to pay me however.. i'd be open to it.
That issue you have with not being able to try games exists today.. With the 360.
I'm surprise I saw this post over how many times you've been promoting the bad new xbox piece...
You can't complain about me assuming things when you do the same in the very next paragraph.
Yeah, unfortunately most of the people complaining are not actually going to be affected by the problem.. And are protecting an imaginary consumer.
So your saying this model works on everything but games? I guess that's sound reasoning.. But Origin is very new in terms of this change... And it sucks.. Because it's E.A. If I lost faith in the gaming industry every time EA did something stupid.. I wouldn't have played anything in a while..
But yeah, XBL prices are…
Yeah supply and demand is great.. But doesn't prove jack shit. The problem is that YES used games are a huge profit and money maker.. But game devs don't see them! Supply and demand doesn't mean anything when a game can be played by a million people.. when only half that many copies exist. Meaning there is a higher…
Games being cheaper.. When the profits go to the right people.
You're right.. this is not confirmed nor guaranteed. But think about it:
You heard a story from a fear mongering journalist... Those claims have already been extinguished with both camps confirming that prices for the next gen consoles will be extremely similr to what we expect already.
HAHA! Touché....
I bet you're super productive at work.. with ZERO distractions..
My statement is based from experience. Of COURSE games will become cheaper without used games.. Speaking of naivety.. You seem to have ignored everything that's been happening with the PC scene recently.
Yeah, Microsoft had an outage like two months ago.. It was a specific server. As far as I'm aware xbox live as a whole hasn't gone down for everyone.. Not like the great PSN month..
During this outage last month, I could still log on.. But 1 or 2 of my friends couldn't.. That how servers work.. And should they…
Yeah, I have a MacBook Pro Retina, and with Bootcamp, the games selection is wide open. - With a 360 controller, the experience is just the same for many games.. But it's still not as consistent as console.. Consoles guarantee an experience.. Love it. But I too haven't been using my Gold.. because the steam sales have…