Also.. I'm enjoying this conversation.
Also.. I'm enjoying this conversation.
Wait.... How does used books impact new book sales?
Perhaps prose might be too difficult for you.
What about Microsoft turning servers off in 10 years? That the most ridiculous argument i've ever heard. Not spending 3-400 dollars on a console because it will be obsolete in 10 years is the dumbest thing i've heard.
Right... But this is the problem. Everyone complaining has nothing to complain about. Everyone is talking about this other person who doesn't have internet... Are they really the type of person who is going to adopt a next gen console early?
I'm not saying secondary markets are a bade thing but in this case they are impeding on a fruitful digital revolution.
The gaming industry is booming.. Nothing i killing it.. Not GameStop, not Walmart.. Not EA.. But in terms of console marketing there are better schemes out there, that need to be adopted. Unfortunately…
Why are you guys insisting on posting a negative xbox piece every 3 hours.. without a single positive headline.
The tightening of DRM is a great thing!
Yeah, I know how budgeting works.. And for me.. If I buy something like a next gen console.. there are plenty of additional purchase that i'm going to get roped into.. What's that? They're remaking Halo 2!?!? Well now I HAVE to buy it.. xD But seriously.. It's like buying a jacuzzi.. an expensive one off purchase, and…
The arguments in his comments section are even worse than the ones on here! If you weren't happy about connecting to the internet once a day... (Which makes you a moron anyway) Try reading some of the shite on there.
Yup.. that story confirms Kinect is the least of our worries.. xD I'm going back to using carrier pigeons.
Well thank you for being reasonable and replying with logical thought..
So when budgeting your monthly finances? You'd cut internet, and then shell out for a next gen console? What's wrong with keeping your 360? Just because the new iPhone's around the corner.. doesn't mean my current phone becomes irrelevant. It's a bad argument I know.. But you can't counter a price problem with another…
No but seriously now.. What is honestly changing from the xbox 360 to the xbox one that will actually affect you!?
Haha.. Well played.
You didn't like that?
Maybe not.. But I was just using your comment to highlight the idiocy around these pieces.
And if Xbox was paying me.. i'd be doing a lot more than sarky comments.
Yes.. that's right. Where their offices are located.. AND a few Billion other people.
That average.. whilst crappy for downloading content on demand.. is completely usable to connect your xbox once a day........ Other than that. the connection speed is irrelevant. If you want to play games online. Xbox, Ps4, and PC will all give you trouble..
If you have a 5/2 connection... you'd have nothing to worry about.