
Killstreak unlocked..!

Just confirms my love for Kat.

Also, I just saw that you promoted my clouds comment as well! Either Kat Hannaford has a crush on me, (likely, my digital writing escapades are pure poetry) or this star chasing gypsy over here is getting noticed!

See what I mean, promoted all the time.. Not to mention having Kat Hannaford request the presence of my face! Beat that star hunters!

What it means, is that I have yet another website to add to my constantly refreshing stream of news like stuff..

Funnily enough,

That's awesome about the new commenting system.. i get promoted all the time on Giz, but have only started writing a lot more this year, so it's hard to get noticed with an excess of 70 comments per article.. Maybe I need a new name, maybe I need a neon sign above my head.. But whatever it is I need, I WILL earn my

My monitor only has 50 Millions's to 1.. SadFace.

Yeah, what you're saying makes sense.. But all of the MacBook Pros are marketed of having subs in them.. As far as the classification, I think it's more of how the driver is tuned in relation to the balance of sound. I have to give it to them, my BlackMacBook may not be as loud as that stupid ass quad speaker hp mess

to restore balance to the world, i'll write this without any caps..

This photo is just upside down.. So the plane is above the clouds..

i know it's not logical to say this.. But those clouds look upside down! Which they shouldn't.. Clouds barely look right side up from what I remember of my cloud hunting days.. So why do those ones seem so blatantly upside down!? Horizon!? I don't fucking know.

Except when the situation demands the door open.. The analogue option can be disabled.. preventing pilots from making humane decisions to save passengers lives by opening the door. It's a fucked up world we live in.. but millions of dollars go towards these decisions..

My main point is how influential these figures are, in relation to this industry. How many companies have influential CEO's that started the company at a level of nothing, and still have more than 50% of the major involvement. Figures who have experienced every aspect of building their companies, and are just as

Talk about future proofing.. To require a solid state drive with reads and writes of over 700 MB/s?!

The way I see it.. Gates doesn't have a life threatening illness.. Whilst I adore the guy, and love what he does with his charity and other ventures, If Jobs was healthy... he'd stay put another 10 years.. I wonder where Apple would be if jobs had left at the launch of the iPhone and started to work on personal

That joke scares the hell out of me..

Which is totally understandable.. I guess.. If you're into that kind of thing.

I have my good ol' 'BlackBook' plugged into the auxiliary of my iPod dock right now. And I can tell you from experience, there isn't an iPod dock sold in any Apple store that doesn't allow auxiliary input.

I don't know an iPod (30pin) dock in existence that doesn't have an auxiliary jack. Grab yourself a male male 3.5mm and you're set. The speaker show above (Sound Dock Series II) also has one.