Even jobs uses the Hdmi dock connector.. He did over a year before this one launched. I know, because I envied having to make presentations on my iPad with a camera facing the screen. (as mirroring wasn't supported.. only video out.)
Even jobs uses the Hdmi dock connector.. He did over a year before this one launched. I know, because I envied having to make presentations on my iPad with a camera facing the screen. (as mirroring wasn't supported.. only video out.)
*EDIT Silly lion autocorrect still messes with my typing accuracy..
Yeah, I think the most obvious use for this (and why the article focusses on VGA) would be presentations to a projector. In a business environment, the ability to walk in with nothing but your phone, edit very quickly as you misspelled your japanese bosses last name and present onto a pico is mesmerisingly…
Where are you getting a 10 dollar big mac? I want one!
Or you could just use the hdmi adapter, that bundles and additional 30pin.. and grab yourself and hdmi - via cable.. If you're still stuck with VGA.
500 dollars is probably the top end of what I would consider for this kind of tech.. AND that's being said before the SSD price is even announced.
Way to go Jesus.. I haven't read anything after the jump and i'm shitting myself..
Or more likely.. Without the backing, the pieces are slightly aloof.. As there's no crazy antennae design in this one.. (or at least I can speculate and hope to fuck) it seems it's back to a classic sandwich.. Instead of this crazy antennae middle chassis board.. Thing..
I apologise my lord.. He knows not what he says.. Who would doubt your supremecy?
What fantastic internet chivalry.. I do thank you.
Touché is right.. And less bloody diarrhoea!
Yeah, but wouldn't you rather eat two hundred grands worth of coke? Be realistic!
I suppose that list will be more reasonable than the forty thousand dollar dorm room.
Not only should recording your tv on camera be illegal, EVERY line in family guy should be uploaded separately, and searchable by quote!!
Ridiculously early.. Try 2009.
You're all a bunch of fucking ass hats! I Hate you, and wish your abortions had been more successful!