
My cousin and best friend, both of whom are personal trainers, have told me that if you are not in shape, you should work your way up to, not train to the point of getting sick and passing out. If you have trainers telling you that this is a healthy thing, you need to get new trainers.

I hate we don't seem to care when contestants resort to dietary extremes when they are still overweight, but then freak out when a thinner contestant does it.

Yeah, she said she was eating 1600 calories per day—but with that much exercise, she was likely netting negative calories, which is super dangerous. Someone her size needs at probably 1100-1200 just to operate things like, you know, organs.

Feels like pretty sound advice to me. I saw something on CNN the other night while at the gym where they were trying their best to prove that Miley was a bad influence and had fallen from grace as a child star and all they seemed to come up with was a bunch of pearl clutching people muttering about her revealing

I think you'll be fine. I'm amazed at how much attraction can sway you to love your lover's smells. I know my partner's scents can be a lil ripe at times.. especially dick sweat but for the most part even his most offensive smells just don't smell that bad to me. All the best, enjoy your time :)

That's a great way to look at it! Nerves are par for the course in your situation (LDR relationship with a US Army soldier, so I feel your pain), but as long as you keep your sense of humor and your feelings at the forefront of your mind, I think the trip should be a splendid way to- er- meet. It might be awkward for

I think it's just a case of the commentariat being more accepting of non-monogamous relationships than necessarily being more open and accepting in general. Plenty of articles where the comment gallery throws a shit fit over the idea of broader female characterization in video games or decides that a male journalist

When she said "multiple partners", she meant "multiple romantic partners". As in, bringing in multiple women she's already in a romantic relationship with for a threesome, when those two are not in a relationship with each other.

My wife has said a few times that certain places smell "masculine" to her. I'm always like, "wot?" But then I realize that I literally cannot tell the difference, like how people don't even notice their own odors.

It's true. I became a prostitute after watching Mary Poppins:

Were you rooming with Hannibal Lechter or something?

I was in a similar situation and was super worried about that too! It worked out for us — we're about to get married. Good luck! :)

I vaguely recall reading something that said you are averse to your relatives' smells as a way to prevent incest.

My first instinct was to call your ex a douche, and it's so fitting.

"Summer's Eve can go douche itself."

one of my favorite exes had a beard... I always used to tell him "wash your face before you hug your mother" as he was leaving my house in the mornings...

How about when a guy gets a little stern/protective with you? Not in a mean way, just like when he tries to look out for you and he gets a serious tone about it. GETS ME EVERY TIME. Am I insane?

This, this, this!

It comes effortlessly to Bieber.

The books were way more disturbing then actually dirty