
I agree. I think she's trying to drum up publicity (looks as if it's working) so that AM feels the need to pay up quickly and make the case go away.

Exactly. I'm religious in like the loosest sense of the word (I believe in a god, but I don't believe in organized religion), so religion is not a big dealbreaker for me. It is if a) someone expects me to legitly join up with their religion, or b) they won't humor my family, because I'm not going to date someone who I

Shut up.

It's "Mysteri", not "Mystery".

I'm going let you finish - but Carlton Banks had one of the best mansions of all time!

I won't be convinced until we weigh her next to a duck. She's gotta be frontin'.

Woohoo! I have one of my own superheroes :)

You have to love when urban and ghetto become synonyms for "too many Negroes."

the second rule of rape club is - never tell anyone you're in rape club because they will tell you that you're a terrible fucking human being for being in rape club.

The first rule of rape club is, you're a terrible fucking human being for being in rape club.

The real problem is what cowards those rape victims are, obviously.

"Detective Inspector Bruce Scott put it this way: "None of the girls have been brave enough (emphasis mine) to make formal statements to us so we can take that to a prosecution stage."

Exactly! "Atheist" really does seem to be shorthand for "Satan Worshipper" around here. Me saying I quietly and personally don't believe in a higher power apparently sounds exactly like someone saying "would you care to join me at Black Mass tonight when I sacrifice a goat and a baby to our dark lord and master" from

This exactly. I probably won't even drag my partner to church on Easter or Christmas, but my family is catholic so weddings and funerals are a must. And I know from past experience that I'm expected to marry inside a catholic church, and my future partner has to understand and respect that.

Regarding race in the North and South there's an old saying that I can't remember the origin of but it goes like this:

Perhaps they should use the terms "casual" and "militant" as descriptors. You know, I'm a casual atheist. I only share my Godless ways when I'm high. Or, I'm a militant Christian. I'll physically burn you when the religious wars come as opposed to merely doing it figuratively online.

I know the feeling, my parents are sort of lapsed Lutherans. And Lutherans are basically just sort of lapsed Catholics anyway, heh. Point is there's a lot of apathetic lip service to religion from skeptics in my family already.

But surprisingly, tentacle monsters preferred Indian women.

It's intended to decriminalize prostitution without enabling pimps.

Basically, yes. It's one of the approaches countries have taken in an attempt to decrease prostitution...but to also protect the women. There are a few other countries who decriminalized prostitution completely but who made it illegal to operate a brothel or solicit sex. In Brazil, I believe it's just illegal to