
Yeah, my main source of self-consciousness was when I discovered that whenever I removed a significant amount of my pubic hair, my vagina would get infected and smell weird (like different than it's usual smell, which I like) every time, which put a damper on things when I had partners who wanted my vulva bare.

You're right- somehow this makes things feel a whole lot better.

*joins in on the virtual cuddlefest*

I think part of why I loved American Girl so much as a kid was the fact that the books and dolls combined learning history, action, and femininity in a form that wasn't painted entirely pink. That was a lethal combination to a nerdy little girl.

Interesting. well like I said, I look very much like the 30% girl, which would be in line with weight fluctuation since my last physical a couple of years ago. 30%, while on the upper end of average, is still in the average category.

Yeahhh that looks more like 20% to 24%, not 28%.

I don't see you picture, but here's this one:

Personal taste doesn't really have much to do with what people are attracted to. I've dated guys who are pretty muscular and I've dated guys who are also kind of fat. The only way my size affects what I want in a partner is that I'm not going to write someone off for being pudgey the way a super skinny person might. one said anything about sexism. It is stupid and bad business sense, however, to not make a pill that works for a large portion of the population.

If I wanted attention, I would have posted elsewhere. I have a pretty successful sewing blog that gives me plenty of ego-stroking. I posted in a moment of frustration and almost deleted soon afterwards knowing that there would be assholes offended by my appearance. But I didn't because I'm trying to improve myself and

Think what you want. You're a random person on the internet and I truly couldn't care less.

Because even at my smallest, during which I was essentially starving myself and working out three hours a day, five days a week, I would still not be skinny enough for people like you (I weighed about 170 pounds back then and was miserable). I am healthy and it doesn't affect your life at all, so fat shamers need to

I think it was like 28%, which is considered to be average by most charts that I've seen.

That's the thing, though. I do have a healthy lifestyle. I eat healthy and I exercise regularly. You don't have the authority to judge the state of my health based on me being fat. I will never be what you think is skinny, so it's better for me to be happy at my size, despite what assholes say, than strive for an

I was never posting to fish for compliments. I was posting show what a body looks like that is categorized as "obese" by BMI. My body is pretty similar to the average in this country, and it's alarming that Plan B will not work for so many people, not just those who are very, very fat.

If I am "huge", then I am sorry that you suffer from such body dysmorphia. I am large, yes, but I hardly take up two seats or anything.

I acknowledge that I am technically obese by the BMI definition, but if judging by fat ratio, I am not. I know that it has nothing to do with how attractive I am, but it's annoying that obesity continues to be largely defined by BMI and not more accurate standards of measurement and health.

Yeah, the same has happened with my thighs. I've lost maybe an inch of their circumferences, but over all they've just become more muscular.

Guess what, standards of beauty vary from place to place and person to person. I've met guys like you who have no interest in me at all. I've met other guys who think I'm a fucking goddess. Guess who are the ones that I date? People are entitled to their personal preference, but that doesn't mean the people they don't