
Lol, I am technically obese, but I am not morbidly obese. I am healthy. My doctor says I am in great shape, both internally and externally. Your issues are a personal preference. I'm healthy and happy when I look in a mirror. It must gall you that not all fat people hate themselves.

Why thank you. *bows*

You. Are. Delusional.

I weigh more than 176 pounds, so it's relevant to me. The average woman weighs more than 176 pounds and we're not giant obese behemoths. We're pretty reasonably sized, so the fact that Plan B won't work for so many women is alarming.

BMI is BS. "Obese" people are actually most of the "average" population, so this affects a lot more people than the very fat.

Thanks! It's a pretty good pattern, though I have the following tips:

Nah, that's what condoms and normal birth control is for. Have fun with your hand tonight.

I'll be sure to tell my boyfriend that he's imaginary when I fuck him tonight.

I've always been "fat". I will probably never not be "fat". I'm not going to make myself miserable to satisfy what you think is acceptable. My doctor says I am healthy and I'm happy when I look in the mirror. I hope you never become fat since it seems like it would be hell for you.

Porker is pretty inherently a disrespectful term. I eat well. I am very active. I do what I need to do to stay at a size that is healthy and happy for me. For me, not you. I am perfectly fine at the size I am now and I've actually had more male attention in the past year than I ever did when I was smaller. Thanks for

Lol, I've been basically the same size since 2006. I stay active and eat well. I think I'll be fine.

It was a kneejerk reaction that people continue to use BMI for medical stuff. It's awful and there are better standards out there. I could have worded my point better, but essentially I was raging at BMI and trying to point out that this effects a lot more people than just those who are really fat.

You're someone who actually uses the word "porker", so it's fine, I wouldn't give you the time of day either.

Lol, yeah, I could have worded it better. I was mostly posting as a kneejerk reaction to bogus BMI continuing to be used in conjunction with stuff like this.

But it's not the only predictor of health.

Sorry, that wasn't my intention. To be fair, though, all up and down this thread there are people assuming that overweight people can't be healthy, so I don't have too much pity.

Thanks! I usually wear this dress with a half-slip, but this was like in the middle of August in NC and is was sooooooo hot. I basically wanted to wear as little clothing as possible.

Lol, my biceps aren't even half that measurement and I never claimed they were muscle. My 25" thighs, however, are almost entirely muscle. If you really see my arms as being that large in my picture, you seriously have some major body dismorphia going on.

Thank you! After starting to play sports this year, I've noticed my body becoming less pudgey and more athletic, while still maintaining the overall size of my frame. That, i anything, confirmed my belief that I will never be traditionally "skinny". I just don't have the frame for it. I do have the frame for tackling

I actually have very little fat around my waist. It's mostly situated around my butt and stomach. There used to be more on my thighs, but lots of dance and sports over the past year has whittle my legs down to mostly muscle. If I lost weight, I might lose some inches off of my bust and hips, but my waist measurement