
Lol, I tried to limit myself to posting that just twice. Sorry. XD

I'm not saying that 140 is unhealthy. I'm saying that 140 on me is unhealthy. My point is that weight is not universal and what is healthy for one person is not healthy for another.

I don't care that people have commented. BMI is BS as is doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle mass. A lot of my weight on my lower body is muscle mass, actually, and even if it wasn't, being a little overweight is not a death sentence. I'm not morbidly obese. I just weigh more than what you think is

I have three very skinny friends with diabetes. I'm hardly so large or being on the path to being so large that I'm at risk for it. According to my doctor, I am perfectly fine and he encourages the active lifestyle that I currently live. As most of my family, who also looks like me, have lived well into their 80s and

When you've talked to my doctor, then we can talk. As a relatively anonymous internet commenter, you really don't know shit about my health.

My point wasn't about being attractive. I mean I'm flattered that some people would take it that way, but that wasn't point at all.

Thanks, I will. I legitimately hope you stay active and continue to eat well into old age. Perhaps you're genetically predisposed to be thin. Otherwise you may end up like my previously thin mother who is now overweight and depressed about it. If being fat is really such a bad thing to you, for the sake of your mental

Hey, if anything, thank you for putting to the test my self-confidence. I'm glad that over the past few years I've developed an intolerance for assholes. Hmm, I'm feeling hungry now. I think I'll go eat a cupcake.

It's a society-conditioned thing to think that being overweight is the worst thing ever. In the past and in other places in the world, it was/is conditioned to be a good thing because it means you are well off enough to have plenty to eat. Perceptions change based on the when and where you are. As long as someone is

A person can be overweight and be healthy and happy. I eat well. I exercise. My doctor says I'm in very good physical health. You're using personal prejudices to say that everyone who's overweight is unhealthy and ugly. That's not true. And it's a good picture that shows my body pretty well. The point was to show what

I'm continually disturbed that many people can't grasp that some people don't mind being "overweight" and can be perfectly happy and healthy. It doesn't hurt anyone, so why should it matter?

Yes, I think I'm pretty. No, I don't read the Secret. Yes, you like to use personal preferences and prejudices to ignore facts.

And I agree that two negatives don't make a positive, aka why I avoided personal attacks. The skinny people comment that I made was to make a point that personal preferences don't define whether a person is unhealthily fat/skinny. They are aspects of body types and only bad things in the eyes of the beholder.

I eat healthy. I exercise. My doctor says I'm healthy. I'm healthy, therefore, I am a healthy size. Suck it.

No, but being average doesn't mean unhealthy. I'm a pretty healthy person and I'll never look the way that you and the other commenter deem acceptable. I would literally have to starve myself. Many other women are the same. "Thin" isn't healthy for everyone.

I don't expect every comment to be positive, but the person was attacking me on things that are essentially personal preferences and have nothing to do with whether a person is healthy or not. Some of the things she mentioned are also "skinny people problems" and are fairly genetic.

Lol, I didn't "find" it. I made it. And it's also a medical fact that the average woman in this country is my size (a size 12), and a medicine like Plan B needs to be able to serve the majority of the population.

I suppose you've been successful in derailing the conversation. My point was that when people think "obese", they usually think this:

I can't remember her name, but she basically looked like me if I was brunette and had even bigger tits.

I don't care if you're a woman or a man. Either way, you're an asshole. Being skinny won't make you a good person.