Scarlett O'Heretic

Smith writes that she’s leaving SGA because she doesn’t understand “why The Machine intimidates and suppresses the voices of students while simultaneously sabotaging any progressive plans independents propose, especially when those plans would help every individual on this campus, including greeks.

Nope, dogma is not the same as critical thinking skills. One involves clinging to a set of written, unchanging rules, the other involves being open minded and adapting to new information.

We’ve both had A LOT of therapy since then, so it’s all good, but yeah.

“You can put on makeup, but you’re still ugly on the inside, and people will always see that.”

Yes, I’m the only person who’s ever made that distinction. You are not as good at arguing as you seem to think you are. Try again.

As someone raised in the Christian church, who left over similar issues when I was a teenager, I feel like you’re either being intellectually dishonest or incredibly naive when you say you didn’t see this coming.

Let’s say you’re making a bullshit argument based on the idea that we should “tolerate” bigoted, hateful, illogical positions the same way we tolerate rational discourse.

Yeah, that asshole, growing and changing as a person as he ages. What a piece of shit.

You show me your degree, I’ll show you mine. Or try again with an actual argument.

Aww, does she make your penis sad?

Brain disorders don’t make you commit premeditated crimes, ffs. It’s not like she bumped into him and he impulsively punched her. He knocked on her door, so that he could rape her.

If they’re the most qualified candidate for the job, then yeah, you pretty much are.

I love it when they get to the final four, and at least one designer is like “I have no idea what my collection is going to be!”

That would be harder than having MY MOM stop believing in me.

If it’s cheap red wine, the colder it is, the less bitter it tastes. The water from the ice will dilute the bitterness, too.

I like your style. Simple, visual, cold as fuck.

Telling men, in detail, why I don’t want to have sex with them is honestly one of my favorite activities. It feels like doing God’s work.

God, if only I had the power to abort you.

That’s an astoundingly arrogant statement. You’re not sorry, you’re wrong, plain and simple.

Right, she’ll be too busy with someone else’s D to care.