Scarlett O'Heretic

No, you don’t even get what makes you an asshole. That’s probably why you’re an asshole.

How do you keep the turmeric from staining your skin? Is it just a low concentration, or do certain ingredients keep the color from sinking in?

The soundtrack is solid as hell, I will never apologize for loving it.

BUT BUT GIRL POWER! Only fat haters don’t support other women in everything they do, without scrutiny. Duh. The internet told me.

Aw did someone express an emotion you didn’t like? Get over yourself.

Oh, it is.

I was being sarcastic. Wow.

Yeah, I’ve just been checking Walmart over and over. Nordstom, what is that, a fancy big city store? Thanks.

IDK but I’ve been looking for that skirt for about 2 years. No weird buckles, no sequins, no slit that goes up to my vagina, just a fucking plain. black. skirt.

For a second I was REALLY interested to read this article

I think the people who think all dressing=bad are the same people who initially thought all salad=good. Then they learned a new fact!

You think your burrito was planned? No ones cares about you that much.

You know nothing about what those women claimed, but thanks for letting us know how you feel about random women. That’s cool.

Seriously, I need to send my gyno some cookies or something. When I asked for an IUD at 21, she said “YES girl” and high-fived me for knowing what was up.

Oh Jesus, you’re bad at this logic thing.

Well, yeah. Arbitrary gender roles don’t enforce themselves. It’s not about how anyone feels, it’s about The Way Things Are Done.

Same. She seems like a lovely person, but I don’t enjoy her voice at all.

I’m so glad someone else thought about this.

It’s not butter’s fault. Butter didn’t ask to be dragged into this nonsense.