Hush hush now, I don’t want to hear him talk...
Hush hush now, I don’t want to hear him talk...
So, what I'm getting from this is that a) people who disagree with you are bad because you just know they are, based on one opinion they've expressed, and b) you are not very good at typing.
Well, you're welcome to think that about Lindy, but saying "anyone who is criticizing this guy in any way shape form or fashion they really aren't very good people" is about the most blanket statement I've ever heard. It's also complete bullshit, as I just explained.
Criticizing someone's self-aggrandizing act of charity doesn't make someone a bad person. That's ridiculous. Criticism isn't the same as saying "I wish nobody ever gave away money and everyone starved!" The people who are criticizing him just think that actual homeless people could have used the money more, and that…
"I think the incident is meaningless."
Goddamn, how many white people, with nothing to gain, have to tell you "THIS ISN'T THE SAME AS RACISM" before it's going to sink in? You clearly think you've achieved some sort of moral high ground by sticking your fingers in your ears and repeating "you're a racist! You're a sick, sad racist and I pity you! I am not…
But but but, those don't look as twee and OMGVINTAGE. Clearly, you don't know what mason jars are for.
I think it's the ridiculous mason jar overkill that's worth mocking. If you need a pin to tell you you can store things in jars, you're probably too dumb to use the internet safely. But that doesn't stop 9 million bored Mormon housewives from posting "19 Things You Didn't Know You Could Put In A Jar."
Well, anything less would just be tacky.
It's like, they made one tiny concession to logic, and when it wasn't enough (because duh, this is terrible), they threw up their hands and went "GAH, BITCHES, NOTHING MAKES YOU HAPPY." And then refused to change anything. So, one step forward, one step back.
Yeah, I think that's just how some people approach unidentified babies. But since it's never actually been my baby, I've never found it particularly offensive.
The thought of someone cornering their cat to bathe it makes you physically ill? Ok... Never adopt a cat. Or a toddler.
I think "here's my number" means "find me," whereas "find me" really means "good luck with that one, buddy."
So, I should get passed over for a promotion because my gender happens to carry the babies for our species (something which benefits society, assuming you like having people in it)? And if I'm not even going to have a baby, it's too "unnatural" to expect my boss to examine my personal contributions and attitudes…
BRB, photographing the years 2008-2010
I think most couples do have a discussion before one person proposes. People just wait until the holidays so they can show friends/family.
Would watch.
Except, if you Google "Rashida Jones," several scantily clad pictures turn up on the first page. So, it's ok when she does it? It's ok when it's a fashion spread, but not when it's a music video? I don't get it.
Did you even read the conclusion or did you skip right to making pointless comments that add nothing to the discussion?