
Wow, Greg Olear is sure taking a lot of credit for "inventing" the theory that Nick Carraway is gay. Pretty sure we discussed exactly that when I was in high school.

Thanks you teenaged schmuck, way to not live in the real world.

The argument being passed along here is that having racial sexual preferences is actually racist since those came from what you were raised to see as good looking, and stuff like this reenforces that.

I know this piece is about Mindy Kaling, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say this:

John Mayer is an asshole, pure and simple.

And did I mention he's an asshole?

Your best chance of early detection (detecting a tumor too small to be found by touch) is by mammogram, and it's too dangerous to be exposed to radiation "multiple times a year."

YES. Now that would be something unusual and memorable.

I can't believe I have never seen or known about this! Stephen Tobolowsky probably would have made a better Flutie, he's a pretty awkward and funny actor. Riff Reagan as Willow feels so wrong! Though she is not as thin as Hannigan, Hannigan is a better nerdy, awkward, unpopular girl.

Not a romantic lead, my ass!

Now playing

It's a Superstorm Sandy thing, Christie wore the same fleece every time he was on camera. Even referenced it on his Saturday Night Live appearance.

That's Florida. Give the prince a real hoagie!

What that smile is saying is, "Where's my autographed first-pressing of Born to Run, motherfucker!?!?!" I know because my sweet ginger prince sent me a text.


As Christie continues to run for president and tries to get on the right side of history, I think it's important to remember that he is almost certainly still a loud-mouthed, union-busting bully.

Complete Springsteen discography. It's like he's not even from here.

Angelina Jolie has now done more to spread breast cancer awareness and probably save lives than the American Cancer Society could have done with a $50 million ad campaign.

I hope this shuts up all the motherfuckers who keep saying she's too damned thin. Some things are more important in life than appearance. I've buried too many friends to this wretched disease. Brave to Jolie for being proactive, but also bravely sharing it with the public, which may help someone else faced with the

See that, everyone?

This is why we can't have nice things.

Who color-corrected that picture of La Goop? David Lynch?