jus sayin
jus sayin
I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down.
“C...O...G...and we love spelling, don’t we folks? The vowels and the continents and the big, big words. And I know words, probably better than dictionaries. In fact, I had a dictionary doctor tell me once that they thought I should’ve become a dictionary since I knew such good word spelling. And I had a word come up…
Im not gonna fault a celebrity for using their fame for gains like sex with willing partners of appropriate age.
and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.
One thing that I’m getting is that Chiefs of Police seem to be reasonable people. Heads of Police Unions, on the other hand, seem to think they are all Judge Dread.
In April, a problem with his blood flow forced doctors to amputate one of his legs ...
“Rehoboam controls lives by...arranging a situation” Sure but my problem is they only tell us that. Besides the one momentary scene where Caleb gets rejected from a job interview by an automated recording - we don’t really see Rehob in action. We just get Dolores telling us (Caleb) “It stole your life!” etc. So that…
This song was also cut from last year’s adaptation of Cats.
Season 3 didn’t even memorable sequences like the absolutely sensational scenes in season 2 about the James Delos host mentally collpasing over decades (though see James in season 3 was both completely unnecessary and kind of lovely).
This season just fell flat. Most everyone here in the comments enjoyed the production, I mean there is nothing like HBO production dollars. But it swung for themes far better fleshed with the Matrix series or any number of cerebral dystopian films reaching back to the 70s
I’d like to start a petition.. if the Dolphins go 0-16 then we no longer have to witness the 1972 Dolphins celebrate when the last undefeated team losses... watching them celebrate is insufferable.
I think this is spot on, otherwise you get into situations where trolls can exploit the issue like here. Black Face was often done poorly and had a goal to demonize a group (as would yellow face, buck teeth etc).
Cosplay for ages had one rule, do not do black face, I for one can see a clear line where its not…
She’s treating it as a costume, to look like a fictional character she likes as accurate as possible, not to mock people of a race or do a goddamn minstrel show, this is all so incredibly dumb...
It may be an unpopular opinion, but I see it as a controversy in US, Europe should not live with American baggage. Likewise, this wasn’t trying to be disparaging. People shouldn’t impose their own insecure views onto other countries - or you know, you shouldn’t do anything to shame the great people’s republic of china…
Well I know I’ve found my line. It’s a shame because I was really excited for Blizcon and shit but the only way businesses are going to learn to not bow to China’s authoritarian whims is if the customer base punishes them greatly for it. Some mouthbreather is probably going to come in to the comments with the tiresome…
Daesh is not “all but defeated”. They regularly commit attacks in parts of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour province. They target YPG forces. Have you heard about al-Hol? The SDF has barely maintained control of the camp and inside Daesh women are having a reign of terror. The ideology is very much alive, and their military…
And so here we are with the Kurds in Syria. We backed them, they fought IS with the help of some of our special operatives, and now just as things are really about to get hairy, we’re ghosting on them.
We’ve fucked the Kurds one too many times. If we abandon them to Turkey which sees them as terrorists we’ll be creating another Osama bin Laden. HW Bush and didn’t support them when they asked for support in opposing Sadaam Hussein in the early 90's and he slaughtered them. I mean the Kurds are one of the most ideologi…