Smokin Jay

Maybe he meant minutes not feet. He could have been giving a metes and bounds description of where he’s at. Or he was doing some arc length calculations.

No, the opposite of cocky asshole would be modest and polite. Which pretty well describes Northcutt. He may have the bro-so-hard look and the relentless social media presence but it takes very limited observation to see that he is neither full of himself nor rude to anybody.

That’s not scabing. That’s opportunism be a separate company/contractor. If restaurant X has an employee strike is it scabbing for restaurant Y right across the street to offer a lunch special while restaurant X’s employees are picketing? The answer is no.

This is the exact kind of statement that drove voters to Donald Trump in this election. At some point the folks that are firmly left need to realize that being combative and unrelenting in their progressiveness will only further divide the country. Clearly it didn’t work this cycle because now the executive and

And go back to recreating the original Conan Doyle stories. Like the OP said these new narratives that stretch throughout the course of a season are trash. They are outlandish and silly and not in the endearing way. The Holmes stories were all short stories which are perfect for this 1.5-2 hour format. You don’t have

This is a solid list. I would also add The Night Manager which was basically a miniseries, Luther (if you’re into the smart detective solves crimes while dealing with personal issues vibe), The Americans, Seinfeld and Deadwood. God Deadwood was so fucking excellent and then it just.... ended.

We’re not going to end up in a nuclear war. The fear mongering on the left right now is as bad as it was on the right when GWB was in office. It’s silliness and rather disingenuous. There is nothing in this blog post that factually supports the idea that another world war/nuclear standoff is going to happen anytime

This happens in literally every developed country. In undeveloped countries they don’t even bother buying their way out of court since the rich probably control the court. What I’m saying is, despite how much it may suck, this is how the world works.

He’s a teenager and we’re talking about him selecting a college where he will be participating in playing a game. This isn’t like choosing an employer or Lebron’s “Decision.” There aren’t millions of dollars riding on this one kid’s choice. I say let him have his fun now because when the stakes are raised and he could

Must be the case. I just spent the last 5 minutes typing an explanation of why I don’t enjoy my interactions with that person rather than giving him/her the information requested so maybe I’m a petty dick too. If nothing else people like that help me appreciate much more just how pleasant and respectful our

Asking me for a reference is a totally reasonable thing to do and I don’t consider that being a dick. That’s not what I was referring to when I said you’re a dick though. For whatever reason you are one of the folks who comments here that I actually recognize when I see your handle/username. That’s primarily because

Well this sucks but at least it’s nice to see a Toyota driver admitting to hitting the gas instead of the brakes rather than blaming the vehicle.

Call the homie: Uber.

I agree with you. I haven’t experienced a super bowl with non-American commercials but now that I think about it that is what people tune in for. Football is popular as hell down here but there are tons of viewers that honestly don’t care about the game that tune in because of the spectacle. The game is merely an

I don’t want to throw false info out there but my understanding is that the additives are almost all for engine life and to prevent gunk building up inside the cylinders and on valves. I can’t speak to the mileage or performance aspect from personal experience. Even if you don’t get a performance boost from the shell

I don’t really feel like justifying my claim to you because you are a complete dick every time we interact on here. So you can tell me I’m full of shit and I’m okay with that. But I’m not full of shit and if you spent 10 minutes using your Google skills you would know that.

And I suppose I should add the proper way to do it is shut off the engine while coasting.

The SAE supermileage competition features teams that use pulse and glide to maximize their mileage. Take a look at past results. It’s pretty much the standard practice at those competitions. Obviously flooring the throttle does not help in this pursuit but the concept of increasing speed temporarily then coasting for

Yes. I can. The SAE supermileage copetition every year features vehicles that are using pulse and glide to maximize their gas mileage. There are also plenty of those hypermiler folks who have anecdotal evidence that on their cars it improves mileage. But don’t take my word for it, use google.

Well believe it or not keeping the clutch pushed in actually wears out the throw out bearing (whether stationary or moving) so you’ve been extending the life of your clutch by being lazy. Congratulations! I did it for the same reason until one day I was talking to a mechanic about this and he informed me of this bit