It actually works but it seems pretty unsafe and it’s incredibly annoying.
It actually works but it seems pretty unsafe and it’s incredibly annoying.
The age is more important than the mileage for conventional oil.
Shell’s premium gas has more additives than their regular and mid grade. That’s why the price difference is so great. The premium gas at Shell stations is either the best or 2nd best depending on who you ask. The additives usually account for the price difference between brands of fuel sold in the same area. Not to…
Or pulse and glide. It really works. This is the technique that all of the teams use in the SAE supermileage competition.
Dirk. Russell. Magic. Jordan. Olajuwon. And of course Duncan. There are 6 NBA top 10-15 all time players that weren’t whiney bitches. Naturally there are a ton of divas among the all-time great players but those 6 guys represent 40% of the list of 15 best players. I think the guys that are divas are just so incredibly…
So the whole “muslim ban” story sounds plausible right? But since when is Rudy Giuliani a credible source of any kind of information?
This right here is exactly the problem. But I suppose if you cared about fixing the problem you’d likely take a different approach to human interaction.
The plastic isn’t covered under warranty. They fixed it as a courtesy to him. Now they’re saying they won’t do it anymore because he’s too fat and he gets out of the seat improperly which will cause it to break again if they fix it again.
What is sexist about what he/she said?
Of course they can be used. They can be fixed and resold as certified used cars in the US... Or they can be sold in developing countries.
They didn’t scam consumers though. They scammed the government to get by its regulations. All of the people that drove these cars benefited from VW’s dishonest actions. What have they got to be mad about? Seriously, tell me what VW did to these consumers that is so harmful.
They could not sell the car back to VW, take the check and the fix and then move on with their life. Nobody is coercing them to sell the car back to VW. This goes beyond revenge. It’s vindictive. And it’s hard for me to feel sorry for them because it’s not like they’re really that inconvenienced by it. They’re still…
By that definition you are PR for your own personal brand. And right now it would seem that your brand is closely associated with the words “insufferable dick head.”
Ya I agree. That’s why when friends told me I should vote for Hillary instead of throwing my vote away and “letting” Trump win I told them they are full of shit and part of the problem. I actually voted for Bernie fucking Sanders and I in no way believe in his socialist worldview. But he represents an outsider and I…
I’m not trying to split hairs. Independently owned companies make up a very large part of the domestic oil and gas industry. You are equating these massive companies to the industry as a whole which is not just disingenuous but factually incorrect. Also get your facts straight: fracture stimulation does not cause…
Uh huh. And I have said multiple times that I don’t agree with Trump’s actions to work through the problem. I also don’t like the way affordable care act has been administered but I also don’t agree with the GOP’s decision to repeal it is a good one. Trump is going about it the wrong way but that doesn’t make his…
Oh I believe in alternative energy. The problem is there will always be a negative environmental impact no matter what the source of the energy is. Birds die flying into those big wind turbines. Nuclear energy produces radioactive waste. Solar panels reflect sunlight which can fuck up birds or temporarily blind…
There definitely is equipment for preventing blowouts. They are called blowout preventers. They make that equipment for wells drilled deep in the ocean. It exists. Deepwater horizon was a big ass problem because the equipment was improperly installed and the secondary blowout preventer was not properly maintained.…
Yes you are right on all counts. Some of my view is definitely based on frustrations I see from within the industry and I get it that there are actual legitimate environmental concerns that NEED to be addressed. I see those too from within the industry. I will make a point to look for real in depth reporting on which…
Thanks for mentioning this. I went and read what Windhorst wrote and it reads very differently than this blog post for that particular aspect of the story. If Gilbert isn’t ponying up then I understand Lebron’s frustration. I agree with him too that Raymond Felton would have been a very good addition to the team.…