Smokin Jay

Huh. Sounds to me like Texas did the fiscally responsible thing of actually researching the potential usefulness/profitability of the road and said “naw we’re good” and the Feds did what they always do: wasted money on something that wasn’t necessary and didn’t function the way they intended it to.

This is called mitch moreland syndrome.

Well if you’re not inclined to help the people out over there then isn’t it an irrelevant topic? Right or wrong (morally) that is not an inaccurate way to classify the topic.

They must have cut a deal with snappy tv or own it or something. It literally takes 3 separate clicks to go from the twitter post to actually watching the video on snappy tv. There is no doubt in my mind this is about monetizing their social media accounts and highlight clips.

But he uses CEDs. He already missed 50 games because he got caught for them.

The sick thing is people of all political leanings and stations in life think/talk this way. Doesn’t matter if you’re a shitstain reality star running for president or a random dude-bro hamming it up with your buddies. People do talk and think like this and it’s probably a big part of why the term “rape-culture” is

I only watch my team’s games now. I used to be an nfl sunday ticket, multiple fantasy team guy. If I wasn’t so goddamn obsessed with the cowboys (I’m a masochist) then I would have quit watching altogether 2 years ago. At some point I’ll get over my obsession and even the cowboys won’t be able to hold my attention.

The other side of that coin is if we keep putting the same people in congress that have gotten us to where we are it’s likely we’ll continue to be disappointed with the results. The president has much power but the whole point of checks and balances is that he/she only has 1/3 of the power. Congress another 1/3. So

I think for many people (myself included) part of being an enthusiast means irrationally intense opinions about something simply because it exists (or doesn’t exist) even if it is unattainable. Why do we care that there is a car company making six figure cars at all since most of us on here likely won’t ever own one?

Also when he uses the telestrator he makes replays even more difficult to watch. His employment at CBS is a joke and they should demote him. Silence would be infinitely better than listening to that clown.


This is the same logic that had Showalter using fucking Ubaldo instead of an actual good pitcher in an extra innings elimination game. You have to maximize your odds of winning each inning of each game of each series. Every single pitch matters in the postseason. If you want proof look at the 3 homers in 9 pitches

This is important to note.

Well good thing Dallas is in Texas then. Still plenty hot down here.

Painful and delusional. At this point there is plenty of evidence that should lead you to believe no Orioles pitching prospect will be any good until they end up on another team. I can empathize. I am a long time Rangers fan and they only recently (in Jon Daniels’ tenure) figured out how to develop pitching talent.

Agreed. That’s what I want in a play-by-play guy. I like bits but they shouldn’t come at the expense of giving the viewers the information they need to enjoy the play on the field.

This makes no sense to me. Nantz is an ass clown working on objectively the worst NFL broadcast tandem in the history of the sport. And somehow Buck is always taking shit. He’s actually good. Ya he’s dry as fuck but he gets the job done. Sometimes the entertaining guys who get super excited (like Gus Johnson) lose

This is a fair point. I happen to find his commentary a good compliment to Troy Aikman for football. Other than having similar voices I think they do a really good job together. Good give and take. They don’t step on each other’s toes. When Aikman is struggling to find insightful things to say Buck tends to ask

They’re asking to get paid about the same as what I make plus health care. And they aren’t even needed for 3-4 months out of the year. Life is hard...

Some of those plays were pretty exciting. The first block and the fall away jumper in the lane were both pretty nice looking.