
Old Ironsides is a beast, chief!

As one simple counterpoint, I think some sort of registration system is a good idea. Obviously, this is a professional chef with a legitimate kitchen, but if some family with good intentions tries to do the same good deed and accidentally* gives a bunch of homeless people food poisoning, I think health officials

“Chai latte” causes me to mentally spasm, since “chai” in the US/other Westernised countries refers to Marsala chai, which is almost always spiced milk. Therefore “chai latte” is “spiced-milk-milk”.

It’s not a shake it’s a frappe

That’s not quite fair. My college boyfriend’s family went on and on about how much they looked forward to Christmas crackers, and how they’d make sure I got a Christmas cracker, and and ever showed me pictures of them sitting around wearing paper crowns, saying “See! Crackers are so fun!” and I was so excited for the

The omnivores start by starting a nice letter writing campaign to not lose their favorite spot.

I love it when people compare the rights of human beings to those of animals and think it doesn't make them look completely fucking ridiculous.

A friend from college went to work for AB. She told me years ago that anyone can brew an off beer and call it character but it takes skill to make the same beer, same quality, same taste year after year.

Don't forget the hybrid beer douche. That's the guy who comes in stroking his carefully groomed chin pubes, looking to get blasted on some 849% ABV microbrew only six people on a commune have heard of. He gives me an incredulous eyeroll when I tell him to choose from the 145 beers I do actually carry. Sorry, buddy,

It seems like you're saying a Budweiser's ABV is a strike againt it; Guinness is a great beer with less alcohol than Bud. There are plenty of things to complain about w/r/t Bud, but ABV seems like an odd choice.

If all there is, is beer, and it's a choice between the stuff that tastes and smells like pre-vomit, and the stuff that's made to be fussed over, I'll take the stuff that's made to be fussed over every time. Even if it comes complete with a guy with a pretentious waxed moustache trying to talk to me about its

The core of the Budweiser ad is thus the unspoken implication that yer not a real man's man with a pickup and a dashboard Jesus and a gun rack if you drink anything other than what essentially amounts to carbonated sheep's urine with an almost-negligible alcohol content.

I probably wouldn't drive anything. I would be driven. Right into an extermination camp.

Now playing

Dentist here. I think this article is actually pretty good. The vast majority of dentists I have met are great people but there are some with a stronger profit motive than altruistic motive. Although the title is harsh and I have to fight my urge to defend myself and my profession, I think it's perfectly fine to

Yielding at stop signs is OK. As for traffic lights...

Regarding the nitpicking over "getting to work five minutes late" - many of the jobs listed in the first paragraph are service jobs based around shifts, meaning that when you're late for your shift, the person you're supposed to relieve has to stay late. It's really inconsiderate to your co-workers to be late on a

Take a good hard look at leaders around the world:

Because pizza would sue it for defamation.

Ok, so putting effort into one's appearance + encouraging others to do so = bad. Not putting effort into one's appearance + encouraging others not to do so = good. Got it.

If I was in a bar that played nothing but Garth Brooks and Skynyrd for three hours, my main concern would be how I might return to 2014.