
Thanks for this, Patrick. Great read.

I feel like this article is all over the place. The author keeps trying to show that Mimi's sex tape is not "just" sex tape, yet doesn't explain what else it is, just says that because she's black, people are reacting differently (more harshly) to it. However, from all accounts, it really is just another sex tape.

"Black women don't always get to flounce their sexuality the way others can. " This sentence is correct for almost all WOC, most especially black and native women, but it's undone by what proceeds it.

Ok, I think I have a unique perspective on what's going on here...

Actually, some educators have proposed a compromise. Instead of teaching about intelligent design/creationism in science class, teach about the debate over evolution (historical and contemporary) in history or social studies.

"Sexual investigation" is extremely awkward. Is he being investigated for sexual assault? It didn't seem like it from the police report. It didn't seem like there was much to investigate at all, other than NFL players smoking weed. If it comes out she was assaulted, then call it a sexual assault investigation, but a

Ummm, pope is meant to be supreme ruler of the catholics and gods representative on earth. If he can't get the justice process going already to protect innocent babies and needs time to go sloooooowww then he's quite frankly a joke and not right for the role.

This has been going on for decades. They've had plenty of time to investigate this and they decided to cover it up instead. It's not unreasonable to want change right this minute. They've had so much time that most of the child victims are now middle aged. No more excuses.


No, that's what a camera sees when it's kicked by a giraffe. What I would see if I were kicked by a giraffe:

how often do you see a thin white man in a black shirt running after a blood covered man?

Pepper spray has to be applied at fairly close range, and even while you're under its influence, you can still stab/cut/fight, even if your eyes are closed and you're having trouble breathing.

A person who is (probably) a stabbing suspect and (probably) armed running towards you is a really good reason. Especially because if Mr. Winkler *had* been the suspect, he could easily have stabbed the first victim again, as well as stabbing the cops.

Were they supposed to watch him stab someone first?

Now playing

Paul Dini racked up some experience writing and producing live action t.v. with his short lived Tower Prep series as well.

I'm sure all of your purchases are completely rational and based on fundamental market pricing. Entirely.

yup. Additionally "Canadian rye" and "blended" are the same thing. There is no guarantee of rye content in a Canadian rye.

Sure, and they also dropped a lot of bombs before they dropped a nuke. The difference in scope is still pretty impressive.

This truck is totally useless.

Well, I guess the best case scenario is that these likely multi-million dollar apartments will free up some more room in the outer boroughs for "the rest of us."