Also, there are STI’s involved with both.
Also, there are STI’s involved with both.
Isn’t this basically the same thing?
It’s especially fun to replace the first word with “eh.”
If you had a kid deciding between sports, what would you advise? Lacrosse involves striking, but is seem as fairly WASPy. Hurling is more workaday, but pretty rare and obscure outside Ireland. Baseball and Basketball are both popular, but involve little pain. Hockey is NOKD int he opposite way as lacrosse. Boxing is…
Also: be a warm body when a major political party is in total disaray. It seems to also be working for Ehud Barack, of Second Intifada (sp?) and Not Netenyahu fame.
The Maasai circumcise their kids in their low teens. That in and of itself isn’t the impressive part. The impressive part is that any kid who lets his expressing drift from “bored disinterest” at any time during the procedure is basically exiled from true adulthood.
What about the whole cassia/ceylon thing?
I didn’t. Al Gore’s the guy who invented mathematical procedures and furmulae, right?
I didn’t. Al Gore’s the guy who invented mathematical procedures and furmulae, right?
So less “political” and more “before everyone’s time,” then.
So less “political” and more “before everyone’s time,” then.
I think it’s that the hitboxes have to be very precise to make the grappling coherent.
I was thinking Fritz Rasp.
I’ve never been all that convinced by that argument, as it’s not like the information you’re paying attention to when shifting is related to the cars you’re supposed to not be hitting. It’s like saying that drinking makes you a better driver because you have to pay more attention to where your head is.
Oh no, MA drivers know exactly what they’re doing.
#3 seems like a good idea until you get to the end of the on ramp and can’t find a gap. That’s why I drive a car with enough acceleration to let me wait until I see an opening to synch with.
Reworking the portals would also make her a potent weapon against the 3-tank/3-support formation, as she would be able to circumvent the tank and kill the healer.
Or they may design her to specifically counter all the mechanics that currently need nerfing (the 3-tank/3-support formation, Genji), so that she’ll be incredibly popular right until those mechanics lose favour. As it stands, she should be ideal for taking out the healers in the 3/3 formation, so it’s not too much of…
The key is to be inside the car. That way, the exterior is everyone else’s problem.
So wheel skirts improve aerodynamics, right? Why aren’t they all over the place with the ev’s and hybrids competing for the best fuel efficiency?
Really, they should paint it more as a solution to the need to track a large number of things by showing someone eying the BMW Mustang speeding toward the red light at the intersection the driver is going though and nailing the guy in front when he slows down to turn right.
Also, flawless autonomous vehicles, which is a stretch given that I don’t think we’ve even established non-inferiority in simulations/video games.