
Alternately, they could just make the thing look like Musk’s idea by putting a big protective/decorative cacoon over the functional structure. I’m not sure how well the ideals of reducing impact angles in space align with aerodynamics, but they can’t look that different, can they?

Alternate, faster but much less efficient source of artificial gravity: just gun it toward Mars at 1g of acceleration until the halfway point and then gun it the other way to come to a stop at the site of the crash.

Just tell her she’ll be fine as long as she does as you tell her.

Even when I was a kid, I couldn’t understand people who slam their doors open, let alone those who do so hard enough to leave damage.

So you’re telling me that autonomous cars will be two years away?

Just like Halo, right down to the AI’s judgement on whether cliffs count as roads.

Alternately, autonomous cars that are non-inferior to humans will be eternally two years away, much like flying models.

Profit maximization is actually a major model in nonprofit behavior (which is most analyzed by health economists). In the case of hospitals, the profits go to some other mission, like a free clinic. The other major models are as executive pay generators and source of employee prestige (which is probably more of a

My ex’s family had a seeing eye dog, and it would still try to go for food. Labs in particular are suspected of having something like Prader-Willi Syndrome.

That depends on breed. Bearded collies are much more interested in attention, to the point that they’re hard to train because they’ll prioritize flirting over earning treats.

What if I’m Jewish?

How do you deal with people like me who take a pause as you being done and start walking away halfway through whatever you’re trying to tell me?

It’s when there’s a grade and boulders.

I once tried to save them to render later. My ex threw them out as soon as my back was turned.

How do you classify Jimmie Rodgers?

It’s also amazing how certain features can tell you exactly when something came out, and how those connections form. For example, I was listening to an episode of Afropop Worldwide about the French Antilles, and all the modern stuff sounded like it was straight out of an early (‘89's or ‘90's) anime. Turns out Zouk

Seconding the Mazda reccomendation, as I have a normal 3 and find that it has quite a bit of pep.

If it’s good enough for Mitt Romney’s dog, it’s good enough for my kids.

Having ridden an old jeep-thing into Ngorongoro, I consider it a miracle every time I drive up a particularly steep hill and the rear seat doesn’t decide it’s done with the ride and try to escape through the hatch with its passengers.

Would tire stops be frequent enough for them to just drop in a fresh ice block every time the car pulls in?