
Thanks for setting me straight. So Jones DID commit the majority of her murders during a time when she was eligible for the death penalty. She has Bexar County and UT’s desire to make the case go away to thank for the fact that she’s alive.

I remember this case also. She ruined Dr. Holland. That the administrators let her pass is beyond criminal.

This is crazier than a J.J. Abrams TV pilot.

He’s gotten in so deep he can’t remember how to get out.

I know what you mean. He has unearthed in me levels of hate I didn’t know I had! So I guess that is an accomplishment??

“I like toddlers who don’t get strangled, okay?”

You forgot: “And the toddler deserved it because he was such a loser! Sad!”

Presidents are technically allowed to strangle toddlers. It’s just been a long-held “norm” for presidents to abstain from such strangling.

Not the people of West, Texas I’ll tell ya.

Half of America is unbelievably stupid; that’s why he’s president.

He records it so that he can masturbate to it later in the morning.

I’m waiting for him to strangle a toddler on live television, only to be told by Fox News and congressional republicans that it was no big deal and demands for an explanation as to why are democrats trying to politicize toddler strangling, and because he’s the president than he gets to strangle any toddler he chooses.

I take a minuscule amount of comfort in the fact that the piece of shit starts each day with all sorts of bad news just like the rest of us.

I’m not sure what makes me angrier; the fact that Trump is so unbelievably stupid or that he believes that America is as unbelievably stupid as he is.

Apparently the President starts his morning with a 6:30 a.m. phone call with his outside legal team to discuss “all things Russia,”

Yep. It’s worth looking at the NY Times piece on Trump’s lies, linked in the article. It’s more than just a list of his lies; it’s an analysis and makes the case that no President has EVER systematically lied about everything the way Trump does. And it also illustrates how bad he is at keeping his lies straight.

Okay, that matryoshka doll in the header is REALLY freaking me out.

I had to take breaks reading that Russia story. This moron is their PERFECT puppet. He made their meddling so much easier. even if he is not smart enough to have colluded. He did great damage to our democracy and the Republicans just looked the other way.

i don’t care what he said. trump is undermining democracy at every turn, only to profit his bottom line. we are being invaded from within.

So Trump bluffed with an obvious lie that, even if true, wouldn’t have helped him out one iota? I think I’m starting to understand how he lost so much money on those casinos...