
I think they’re all going to be reunited at some point during this. Likely Jon will go north early on to battle the Walkers and find Bran along the way and bring him back down to Winterfell (perhaps that vision of the crows flying over the Walker army ends up saving Jon’s life somehow). Arya will either stay in the

Agreed. She’s saying that if the surviving Starks don’t stick together, they’re toast but if they do, some of them may fall, but House Stark will go on.

Not only Jaime going to kill Cersei but it’s going to be melancholy as fuck. Once again he will be the one to kill the unstable tyrant for the good of the city, clearing the throne for the invading army (in this case Dany) and no one will ever celebrate him for it because he will have broken a taboo (kinslaying) that

I need Tormund and Brienne to bang. It needs to happen.

Oh my sweet summer child, we know they’re all pretty much open season at this point. That said, if he does get killed, Jon’s kinda screwed regarding keeping the Free Folk on board.

I’m predicting this before the series is out, too. The look on his face in that last scene clearly said “Holy shit, bitch has lost her damn mind even by our standards.”

I am here to see Jon Snow slice some motherfucking ice monsters in half.

nice nice, baby.

You’re as cold as ice.

Well, maybe part of the deal is the surrogate never has to speak to Kanye. That’s gotta be worth many thousands of dollars.

If I remember my Dirt Bags correctly, Kim had some pretty tough pregnancy issues including that wingardium leviosa (sp) where you puke like...all day. Pregnancy sounds awful.

“While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!”

It’s okay, Sean. We’re all stress-eating our way through this administration too.

Yeah.. I’m just surprised he made that comment about another man. I think of Steve as one of those guys who believes all women should look like a “10" even though he looks like a big steaming pile of garbage on a hot summer day. But it is what’s on the inside that makes him the most ugly.

I hope so. I feel like Trump and Bannon sweat grease and booze from their pores, and I can’t stand looking at either of them anymore. Also Spicey looks much thinner than Trump and Bannon...although I’m sure that when Trump looks at himself in the mirror, he sees an adonis.

Uhh, Steve? I think there is an adage about stones and glass houses that applies to you here...