
The main character has to leave the village, encounter problems, meet up with a mentor (sometimes an actual person, but not always), develop some new chops, and return to the village victorious. Or die, which is another way of returning to the village.

This brought tears to my eyes. My mother died almost 22 years ago and I just recently unpacked some of her things — a collection of crystal wine glasses and assorted china pieces — and washed them and put them in a place where I can look at them. For so many years I’ve been so angry at her (she was a nice person but a

God, great gif. I’m unemotional about this divorce, but this gif...dayum.

You’re welcome.

Huh, the R’s are reaching desperately on this one. Everyone involved in the investigation is a Repub, and the Texas Rangers are the ones who actually figured out the securities fraud thing. I’m sure they are a bunch of liberals! I am one of a large group of lawyers who have filed a grievance against him with the State

Thanks for explanation; I never bothered to follow the premarital goings-on.

OK I’m an Old, but -\_(``)_/- How do you make the hands and the face? I think Youngs have a different keyboard than I do. :(

Bush stole Ohio, 2004 was not a legit win for the R’s.

Thank you. This.

I came here to call complete and utter bullshit on what appears to be a major plot point. I’ve been a lawyer for 32 years and I’ve seen the family law scene change dramatically due to the availability of DNA testing and consequent revelations about paternity. But there is NO WAY that the Colin Farrell character

I star this gif every time you put it up. Or at least every time I see it. Many stars to you, my friend!

This, this, this! Youngsters, take note.

I love these women so much I could watch them all day and all night. I think we should elect them presidents of the earth for life. If anybody could resist the absolute power corrupting absolutely paradigm, it would be Amy Poehler, Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph.

Hahahahahahaha — WIN

Texas: not a part of the Louisiana Purchase. Trust me, I’m an old real estate lawyer. Texas was owned by a) a bunch of apparently lovely but wimpy natives who empathized to the point of crying when early invading Europeans wrecked their ship and then got sick from living in the mosquito infested Gulf coast; b) the

Insane asylum = honor killing??? Just a thought.

Yeah, my conservative republican parents (voted for Goldwater in ‘64!) managed to raise 3 liberal Democrats. And we’re not getting conservative as we’re getting older (all in our 50’s now). If anything we’re getting more liberal...

Oh, just lame stuff like stamped cross stitch and crewel. Also needlepoint and of course I can operate a sewing machine. I can’t stand store bought drapes most of the time, so I’m always making my own curtains/drapes/window treatments. Made my own clothes as a young ‘un, but all those people willing to work for

That is utterly wacky and I love it.

As a fellow needleworker who never, ever learned tatting, I am deeply IMPRESSED by your skills!