
Perfect! Overwhelming evidence.

I would choose to have him run amok in a restaurant near me. Benedict, I see a visit to Texas in your future.....

I'm just going to point out that the New York Times T magazine recently ran an article/interview with Benedict Cumberbatch in which it was noted that the source of his charm may be that he resembles an otter. Yes, I think so. Imagine if BC run amok in a Norwegian restaurant. JUST IMAGINE.

Read Gerda Lerner. The Creation of Patriarchy.

Such a great idea! Brilliance.

*Clinks glasses with you* — well, I'm only having some boring wine, but I salute your bowl and Russians. May you have better days forever. May all perverts hit big potholes when they are not looking. Better yet, may they fall into sinkholes.

God this is one of my favorite albums...came out when I was in college. I listened to it until I knew every single note. Patti Smith rules!

Well, I'm not getting drunk because I have to work Tuesday but the 17th is also my cat's birthday. She'll be 7 and she's the only cat I've ever had whose exact birthday I know, because she was born next door. I might give her some treats but not too many because she'll just barf 'em.

My first thought was, only 36? She's already 27 years old, fer chrissakes. Back during the 70's, we were Actually Wild and Crazy. Kids today!

James Spader gettin it on with Susan Sarandon in White Palace. Yes, kids, it was hot in 1990.

Southern Baptists, whatever their spiritual strengths and weaknesses, can never be "parishioners." In order to have parishioners, you must have parishes, which are geographical things. Baptists have congregations, and therefore they are called "congregants." Duh. This is one of my pet peeves.

Good one Cass.

Did the exact same thing. I, too, have pet the dolphins at Sea World in San Antonio, but it's been many many years ago and I don't remember their skin coming off. They did feel as otherworldly as one might imagine sea creatures would feel on dry land. I felt sorry for them in that horrible cement pond which must be

I know lots of girls who were quite virginal and on the pill at 14 to stop the cramps. It was what I needed instead of excruciating pain every month.

You were lucky in the parental department. Or maybe you earned it from some past life? I'm so glad to know there was a mother like yours, one who had a daughter and took care of her.

Being just another OWP (oblivious white person) I had not even considered the Third World angle on Olympic embroidery. In my fantasy, the USA barely edged out the crafty Belgians and the nimble-fingered French (Bayeux tapestry heirs) in the last round. But if the IOC were to include activities that are in the

I have done way more than my share of jay-walking in Austin over the past 38 years and I can't even believe somebody got stopped for that!! I guess I have to watch the video. I can tell you a story of the time in 1976 or so that I went to a street concert right across the street from UT during the day, some cops

This is the funniest one of these stories so far....

My sisters and I had an elaborate iteration of this that involved getting all the Barbies, Skippers and Ken into their warmest winter clothes, with boots, hats and gloves if they had any, then loading them into a Scotties box (brand of tissues which came in a box with an oval-shaped hole on the top) which had been

They were insatiable, even without the anatomy.