
I had one burner account after another, but it kept wanting me to sign in with cumbersome passwords it assigned to me. Often it was balky and then I kept seeing negative remarks about burner accounts. I figured, I never tweet anyway, so why not sign in through that? I know I could be discovered but I don't think I

I feel your pain. You are nice/masochistic to even go see them. I hope it's not too bad for you and your son!

I sign on to kinja through my cat's Twitter account and she hasn't tweeted since 2008. It's linked to an email address I haven't used since 2007. Somebody tell me I'm totally anonymous here!

I don't know anything about corporate U-Haul (except I've heard something about the psycho part before), but every van and trailer has the name of a city and an illustration of it or something about it. Maybe the larger trucks have states/provinces? As the trailers get smaller they have smaller cities on them. I once

Not just you!

My reaction exactly.

My cats were forced to wage war on the Solstice by seizing baubles off the Solstice Fir in their living room. Spoiled brats!

First of all, you are better off without him. I know — easy for me to say. But I'm pretty old (55) and I've seen something over & over again: you find the right partner when you get happy being single and are no longer looking. (In my case that did not entail celibacy.) But after I got divorced in 1996 (amicably thank

God ... condolences to you. I wish I could make it better for you but I can't even think of anything very helpful to say. I'm wishing hard for some rainbows and unicorns to come your way immediately. ♡♡♥

So gorgeous! Wonderful kitteh.

Doing the same thing with my cat and Key Largo on TCM. My cat is almost all black with a white spot low on her abdomen. Golden eyes and funny little high pitched meows. What kind of kitty do you have?

Oh god I read that book back in the 70s. Thank you so much for reminding me of it.

I'm just north of Austin and it's been below freezing all day. My drafty old house is much better suited for our usual blazing heat. I haven't been able to get the temp in my office over 55º F today. Needless to say I haven't spent any time in there lately! All my jezzing is via my phone this weekend. Lest you worry

Duly noted.

First, our feminist foremothers were properly known as SUFFRAGISTS and the term deployed throughout this post was the 100 year ago equivalent of "women's libber" in the 70's. Also cats have always (for approx 9000 yrs) been associated with protecting the grain stores so the hearth/home association is ancient. THE

Oh Gawd....chuckling under breath at the office....

Feliz Navidad is Spanish for Merry Xmas, but who's Felice Navidad?

I was last in psychology class back in the late Eocene, but I do remember that introversion/extroversion is not one scale. It is possible to score high on both the introversion scale and the extroversion scale, low on both or (as is often assumed) high on one and low on the other. Just for the record, I scored high

Been wondering that myself. I'm too irregular to get out of the gray, methinks.

Tea and Sympathy to you from me. May you have the strength to deal with it. I'm pretty stressed out at work myself, but I survived a purge last week so I have nothing, really, to complain about.