
No, not a conspiracy. I don’t believe in them. But I think Greece’s reputation for corruption, incompetence and mismanagement of public funds predates the current crisis and in fact probably contributed to that crisis too, it wasn’t just external factors. I mean, it’s ranked number 67 on Transparency International’s CP

Yeah, first time I went to Greece was in the mid-90s, and you could see the differences with western Europe back then too. I also lived in Europe for 15+ years and went practically everywhere and trust me, this isn’t a new problem. Italy has similar issues. Some of it can be linked to economic issues, but it goes

I don’t even know which one is Gigi and which one is the other Hamid sister but who cares if she works her ass off or not, if she’s rich or not, if you’ve ever been to the Greek islands (and parts of the mainland) it’s pretty obvious their infrastructure kind of sucks and is pretty lacking in many respects. Like, how

“I was robbed along with more than 30 houses that night, some to gunpoint. It was not possible to contact any form of law enforcement except through my local security who happened to have a contact. That is a privilege that most people traveling there wouldn’t have. If something happens while the police station is

Update via Sickthings, the main Alice Cooper fan site:

It’s incredibly misogynistic to assume she is not an equal partner in an agreement between two spouses (a “pact” if you will).

Based on the fact that he specifically says they’ve talked about it, I would imagine she has expressed that to him, not that he’s assuming.

Ah, the ironic need to use one’s first world technology to post a meaninglessly cynical response to an article about related technology. Bravo.

Ah, the ironic need to use one’s first world technology to post a meaninglessly cynical response to an article about

I will repeat the comments I made on twitter:

Wait, back the fuck up...Lamar Odom cheated with Khloe Kardashian on TARAJI HENSON?!!  That defies all explanation.

I think Khloe’s intuition was probably telling her it was a bad idea to date Tristan, but she ignored that hell out that. If you have to talk to a man’s best friends, lawyer, and mother before committing to a date then, you should just probably not date him. You shouldn’t have to check his references before going out.

He’s got that dad strength.

If I wanted to read a collection of posts from Page Six, I would just read Page Six. And I don’t because it and its parent company the New York Post are awful trash. Can you please try to diversify your news sources?

Victim blame much?

The people who do that are the same people who swear that they totally feel great in heels, and don’t feel normal in regular shoes, right? And totally prefer G strings for the comfort, just doing it for themselves, right?

You just gotta hold the button longer and then honey comes out! 

I hear it’s causing quite the buzz. 

Actually that was just Coke Bee, Coke’s newest drink line.

Allegedly being a male victim of abuse does not give you the right to discredit women coming forward with abuse. Stop projecting.

First off, why the hell are you greyed all the sudden?

Also, there is one particular troll who seems to be stanning that theory all over this comment section. While I can’t rule out that she may have brought her own toxicity to the relationship, his approach and commentary to the press reads pretty bad for him. His