The full story says that he lives in the same apartment complex and he has harassed this woman in the past
The full story says that he lives in the same apartment complex and he has harassed this woman in the past
That motherfucker didn’t check; you can tell by his language. Unfortunately, pigs think they can hassle people based on their beliefs then are surprised when people tell them to fuck off. Nonetheless, the racist ass trolls will explain why this woman’s murder was her own fault.
“KHOU 11's Michelle Choi spoke with a woman who said she is the woman’s niece. She claims the woman suffered from mental health issues and was not actually pregnant, despite screaming “I’m pregnant” before she was fatally shot.”
Doesn’t excuse her murder by cop tho.
The report said he shot her first. She may have gotten it from away from him but tazers only have one shot. She couldn’t have used on him.
I think this is an important part of the story that is not in this article:
It goes hand in hand with the militarization of the police departments. They’re hiring former military (men), who have been trained to see things as threats to be killed. Then they give them military gear, fear-based training, and send them out.
Just kind of a thought I’ve been thinking, but, I’m starting to wonder if there would be some merit in introducing ongoing and mandatory psychological evaluations because it seems cops have such a warped view of the world where all situations and persons are viewed as hostile. How can you protect and serve if you view…
I mean...just call for backup if your suspect is resisting. Let her walk away, watch where she goes, pick her up later with a whole team. She wasn’t armed, she wasn’t dangerous, and it wasn’t an emergency.
So a Texas police veteran, after 11 years, still doesn’t know how to deal with people in general, let alone how to take a woman into custody, let alone how to restrain a 45 year old woman without resorting to (a) a cattle prod, which just makes a person angry (and you wouldn’t want to see a black person angry),…
So “suspicion” is now a reason to use lethal force? Mass murderers get taken in without a hair out of place......
They’re going with the “I suspected they had warrants” defense I see. It’s like these cops have a running mental rolodex of warrants when they’re issued or something.
Totally, and it also doesn’t establish the scorpions as pinpoint accurate dragon killers in one episode, and useless trash the next!
Yeah, there was a great post this morning on Reddit (I know!) where they pointed out that there was an easy way to fix this episode and make it far more narratively cohesive: instead of killing Rhaegal last episode and just kinda letting that death sit there, have Cersei fake a surrender as a last-ditch gambit, ambush…
And only D&D can be blamed. HBO offered two 10 episode seasons and literally stated that money was no concern. HBO knows it will go down in history for doing this right.
What I wanted to see was Arya kill Jaime, take his face, and use that to get close enough to Cersei to choke the life out of her, thus fulfilling the valonquar prophecy as an easter egg for the book readers.
Jaime is probably dead, since he was pretty badly wounded by Euron. Cersei? I’m not so sure. (I subscribe to the Lost-era “if you don’t see a dead body, don’t assume they’re dead” school of thought.) I can definitely see her crawling her way out of that crypt.
I cannot believe that they gave Cersei such a peaceful send-off (relatively speaking). She got to die in the arms of her true love. That was so ridiculously unsatisfying, truly unbelievable. The Hound should have stabbed her in the face as she was sneaking by on the steps and said “this is for Arya Stark.”
Dany literally said to Jon, when he pulled away and it was clear their romance was over, that she was choosing fear. The bells were marking that finality of that decision. I still don’t think it was truly earned, personally. While they planted the seeds for madness and all the ingredients were there, I think the…
This has always bothered me, too. As you say, skepticism is warranted, but the outright animosity has always felt out of place, and hasn’t served Sansa’s character well this season, IMO. It’s difficult to believe her motivations in telling Tyrion about Jon were not somewhat motivated by pettiness, as I think the show…
Can anyone explain to me why Sansa hated Dany from day one? I know she’s a foreign ruler and Sansa is understandably skeptical of outside rule, but the Starks spared themselves from disaster the first time around by bending the knee to Aegon and becoming wardens of the north. Dany also has the power to overthrow…