
Two smug replies picking at grammatical errors really makes me think you know your shit and aren’t just scrambling for something to feel smart about because you showed you ass on Greek history. Why don’t you see if you can reclaim some face Herodotus, by explaining how the fall of he Roman Empire is a better parallel

Honestly if I lived in GA? I’d pack my shit up and just leave post hate and never return. Because fuck that...

I’m familiar with the concept of setting, Professor, as Aristophanes’ Lysistrata (you do not need the definite article in front of it, and feel free to discover italics) is a f-i-c-t-i-t-i-o-u-s work (duh) in spite of its historical backdrop, sugar-sweetheart. (Despite the long and brutal nature of that particular

I would move.

If women want to not have sex, and only continue having sex because otherwise the guy will rape them, aren’t they already having coerced sex?

Her proposal is very silly, but not because it negates women who don’t choose to have sex or (God help me) because it will lead to rape. It’s stupid because it’s shallow, performative, seemingly narcissistic claptrap that won’t be adopted and won’t accomplish anything. Women abstaining from sex is not the cause of rape

People like to peddle Lysistrata as an empowered feminist, but it was a comedy written by a man, performed by men to an all-male audience for laughs. Let’s not. 

Also, some women like to have sex, a sex strike isn't just a punishment for men. That sex is a bargaining chip for women is a very outdated view. I’m sure it happens, a lot even, but we’re never going to evolve away from that if women keep saying things like this

I’m so scared for her. The dudes who pull shit like this to begin with? They don’t get better when they get angry.

It’s not a compliment, it’s a power move. Just like cat calling and other kinds of harassment.

Man, there sure are a lot of triggered boys here crying over this. 

He just finished jacking off onto her photo

He sent it to her on purpose, to let her know that he was masturbating over her photo.

So he meant to send them but not to her? Oh, that makes everything OK then. /s

I mean.. maybe you missed the part where he admitted he sent it to her on purpose??

Those of you calling this an over-reaction? The only way that’s even a possibility is if there was another DM seconds after the 3:55 one to the effect of “OMG please disregard that it was not for you ohshit ohshit”

Unless you’re a female who contradicts him. He’s gone to public meetings and when women speak he sneers as he writes down what they say. He never gets it right. His reporting is suspect because of it.

He’s replaceable. Think of the dozens of talented female journalists whose careers he’s sabotaged through his harassment. Don’t even spend one second mourning the “loss” of this piece of garbage. It just minimizes the suffering of the victims. 

These guys don’t CARE! President Pussy Grabber gave them permission. And while they may get a career slap on the wrist, please see The Entire Catholic Church, Mark Halperin, C.K. Louis, all men except for a few guys that the other powerful guys were willing to sacrifice for their own advancement.

Brace yourselves for all the male tears that will be imminently flooding the comments section.