
Do not do this. This is complete and utter garbage. Movie theaters do not make any profit off of showing films... almost all of the ticket sales go directly to the studios. A theater’s cut of the ticket sales won’t even cover the electricity to run the projectors.

The way theaters make their money is by concession

She dresses like a Dynasty themed Barbie. The only time I like LVP’s fashion choices is when she’s in white tee and jeans mode.

BH, along with OC and ATL, are suffocating underQueen Bees” who won’t interact with the rest of the cast as peers, but also don’t want to bring anything interesting to the show.

I agree. I don’t know why people think there would be no show without her. I generally find her to be manipulative, but dull. Her condescension and snobbery seem unearned to me, seeing as how many of the woman are as rich/richer than her, more famous than her, have worked as hard/harder than her, etc. I have always

I think she show would get soooo much better with LVP gone. She drags them down and takes up too much attention. Its time for her to exit. 

All the RHOBH storylines and moments that have had Lisa’s manipulative fingerprints all over them —Munchausengate, Puppygate, etc— have been among the show’s most tedious. And all of the most legendary explosive moments —dinner party from hell, the Richards sisters limo fight, game night, poker night, Rinna vs. Kim

Too stupid to bear explaining. RHOBH is holding on to the title of weakest of the franchise for plot. They still bring the fashion and house porn.

LVP showed how “classy” she is last night when she stood their grinning while her dog peed on thousands of dollars of marble and made no move to stop it or even apologize.  Entitled piggish behavior. 

I am amazed that Pete Doherty is still alive.

You’re telling me a show run by old white guys who let let numerous men get away with abusive behavior for years tried to sap the personality out of the most famous beloved person on the planet, a person who happens to be a black woman? I’m shocked. The most shocking development of my very very tired life. 

If you have to sneak it in, youre breaking the rules.

My rule is 1) buy popcorn and a drink (I get the drastically overpriced water bottle and add my own crystal lite to it; but YMMV).  2) thus covered, I bring in pocket snacks.  Usually a fruit/grain bar or 2; maybe a couple of cookies.

Missing rule #4. No loud packaging either. There’s a reason candy comes in boxes at the theater - candy wrappers can be really loud. Box candy is only loud if you are annoying and shake the box.

Theaters make a very, very small percentage from tickets, especially on opening weekend. Studios know this, and thus have tried to front-load movies so they get a higher percentage of the profit (which is why we get these massive opening weekends instead of films staying in theaters for months and months and months).

I am all about sneaking a snack in and maybe a beer or mini-box of wine. However, sneaking in stinky food is the worst offense followed by people leaving their trash around. Especially when it’s not from the theater.

Some theaters make 110% of their revenue of concession sales, i.e. they actually lose money on the tickets but count on food and drink revenue to make it up. Regardless, unless actually allowed by the treater, I’d imagine the rules for bringing outside food in are exactly the same as bringing your own meal to your

This is alarming behavior, and I’m concerned for your wellbeing. I’d feel better if you could name any movie you’ve seen not starring Jason Biggs.

I know you semi gave a pass but commandment 1 should be “If you can buy it at the concession stand, don’t bring it in”. Otherwise you’re just being cheap. Yes, the stand is run for severe profit, but your ticket is break even for the theater (or at a loss, depending on the number of buyers). Unless you want them to

Another important point to make is that you should try not to throw your outside garbage away inside the theater trash. I’ve been friends with theater workers and apparently they can get in trouble if outside food containers are found in the garbage, and that’s not cool. Be excellent to each other, especially service

Why "my adult daughter." That was an odd qualifier.