
‘Grab her by the pussy’ was forgotten in less than one week so I don’t know what you’re expecting from society.

Shane is a whiny, manipulative content creator who plays victim and uses mental illness (depression) as a crutch whenever people come down on him for anything he says or does.

Literally just like middle schoolers. (Which is a whole different kind of disturbing.)

Are we not doing phrasing?

His parents must be so proud. 

I really would like to get what the appeal is for shitty boy-king white guys between him and PewDiePie. Like seriously explain it to me.

His Chuck E Cheese video actually has led to workers there being harassed. It’s already bad enough working at Chuck E Cheese but now customers are coming in and getting in your face about a conspiracy theory.

I regrettably saw some of his “docu-series” about YouTuber Jake Paul and it was so irresponsible it made me sympathetic to Paul, for once. Everyone involved should’ve been ashamed of themselves and donated heavily to mental health organizations.

Naw. Pretty sure we’ve already established that Connie is gay and Daryl is an ace.

I just enjoy seeing Rutina Wesley showing up. I’ve loved her since the quitting Walmart scene in the first episode of True Blood. She’s terrific, and was terrifying in this. Good job Ms. Wesley!

She happily depicts heterosexual pairings doing everything up to sloppy make-out sessions on the page, so why is she so resistant to simply having Dumbledore say “He was my lover” or similar?

“but Henry is just too naive, stupid, and horny to let her go.”

Before the series ends I want them to meet another scientist and I want that scientist to reveal that the virus, which everyone has, not only brings them back but does varying levels of brain damage while they’re still alive. Hence why nearly everyone except our protagonists (and sometimes even them) is some form of

I’ve seen every episode of this show, and yet my first instinct when I read the last part of your comment is to ask: who the fuck is Connie?

This shit is just plain bad and getting worse. Find a new hobby and get out of your Mom’s basement.

Michonne suggested to Lydia that she should run off and spare Daryl, Connie, and Henry the risk of protecting her.

Lydia’s obvious response to that is that she tried that strategy already, but Henry is just too naive, stupid, and horny to let her go.

So is this whole season going to be fueled entirely by Judith and Henry taking turns as the Idiot Child Character now that Carl is no longer here to do it all by himself?

I love Samantha Morton and she’s doing a great job of acting here, but damn am I tired of the what feels like the 9,000th iteration of a Big Bad on TDW. I know I’m living in a fool’s paradise, but I really hope this morphs into something different and better.

The story behind the X was rather anticlimactic. 

Oh for fucks sake people... I’m really sick of this bashing on Rowling. Put her in perspective. She was poor white trash. She concocted a story. Most of the people in her story looked and acted like her - what she knew. As her fame and bank account grew, she began to get more perspective. Her world view grew, and she