
i read today that he didn’t even go!! LOL he used his dads money (sent to him thinking it was going twds USC tuition) so he could start his clothing company and he fudged fake marks so his dad wouldn’t catch on!!

All these places online like Rotten Tomatoes and Yelp are pure BS. Anyone with any agenda can go online, post a bad review for whatever reason and lemmings take it as solid gold. See the movie and make up your own mind, I liked it, who cares what critics think. You have a mind, use it for a change and start thinking

No I disagree with a lot of great people. But when the comments are “This is an SJW plot to promote feminazi agenda and you are just white knighting your way into gender politics. Wake up NPCs!!!!!”   Then those are troll shit shows. 

You can watch two movies.

But you, big strong man, are so big and strong and secure in your manliness that you can’t take women being out there doing stuff.

The MCU’s Captain Marvel just comes off as smug and disinterested, with a constant ‘deal with it’ look on her face in every frame of the trailer.

Wait a minute, Fuunko does not make “dolls!” :-D

Sounds familiar.

The MCU’s Captain Marvel just comes off as smug and disinterested, with a constant ‘deal with it’ look on her face in every frame of the trailer.

Yes, Rotten Tomatoes deleting clearly fake reviews from their own platform is clearly exactly the same thing as Nazis burning books. You are very clever and not at all a hyperbolic whiner.

Both sides?

Man these comments are a shit show of trolls. 

-100 points. To many uses of SJW. Please consult your troll lexicon for other stupid names you can call people that will identify you as a waste of space. 

This post is totally bullshit.

-10 points. White Knight isn’t the hip lingo any more. Should have called them an NPC instead.

You just don’t understand why Brie Larson saying words has ruined a movie I haven’t watched yet! You just want to take muh freedom of speech to say Captain Marvel is a bad movie because something something SJWs!

 You're scared of girls and nobody should ever take you seriously for the rest of your life. 

Lol you really triggered the bigoted manbabies hard with this one.

Did you read the whole article? Captain Marvel had over 60,000 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes by this afternoon. That is several thousand more reviews than Infinity War has, and that movie has been out for almost a year now! There are plenty of reviews out there saying that Captain Marvel has problems and is kind of meh.

This article already has 2 grey comments from newly created accounts with only 1 comment in their history so far. With them disingenuously pretending people aren’t specifically being extra trolly for this movie.