
Might I interest you in my all women, all redhead Ocean’s 11 heist thriller?  It would star Amy Adams, Jessica Chastain, Isla Fisher, Dallas Bryce Howard, Haley Bennett, Christina Hendricks, Karen Gillan, Emma Stone, Felicia Day, with Julianne Moore as the villain.  Music by Florence Welch.  I call it “Red Riding

Then spend the money on a banana or water or a bagel. 

Zach Efron dating a “Bro” feels a little on the nose, no? 

I agree with you about Jon Snow being the likely one to make it out alive if for no other reason than the fact that this show seems to have a track record of punishing women in incestuous relationships while giving the men a well-what-are-ya-gonna-do shrug.  

I’m rooting for the movie to succeed because I generally like what the MCU is doing and I want that track record to continue, and I want to like the movie.

Oh yes, her stupid comments like “maybe not every reviewer should be a white dude”. Terrible stuff, truly.

White male critic didn’t like the latest Medea movie. Imagine that.

I mean, the review says upfront that Brie Larson was well cast: “Not that Larson doesn’t bring confidence and chutzpah to her underwritten role. (Spot-on casting has always been one of Marvel’s strong points.)“ 

Hey, fair is fair.  Remember how after John Carter tanked, the whole internet was like “movies with white male leads just don’t sell!”

In fairness, they were ALWAYS going to go ballistic, and if this movie had nothing but glowing praise it would just be evidence of (FART NOISE).

So long as the cat in it is good, I’m there

In the golden age of music videos, Madonna's Like a Prayer was an absolute standout (and also one of her best songs).

It’s funny how that works. My parents both desperately need to clean out clutter yet my dad squarely rests all the blame on my mother and refuses to get rid of any of the stuff he no longer uses (even if it’s broken/something he can no longer wear because it doesn’t fit/a book he doesn’t like and will never read

Counterpoint: if you need someone on Netflix to tell you how to clean your house, the problem might be you

I don’t get it. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. You choose to get rid of things that don’t bring you joy. If you are getting rid of things just to appease your girlfriend or are going along with the whole process because ‘UGH, LADIES AMIRITE BRO?’

“Barely worn, my wife is making me Marie Kondo it. Great,” one poster wrote, according to Twitter use @adultblackmale. “Only selling because my gf is Marie Kondo-ing the shit out of my closet,” wrote another.

“took up way too much room in a closet that girlfriend or fiancee or wife was nice enough to let them share”

I’m not messy with food or with “communal” spaces but my own space is full of boxes/paper, things I bought and intended to use but never did, and other things that I don’t need collecting dust. I’m getting better but not at a rate that real progress is being made. I would like to be the type of person I want to date

Coming here to project but I very much enjoy the semi-crushing anxiety of how my being messy, disorganized, and a slight hoarder hurts my relationship prospects but dude people get to walk around here and not think about it at all. 

Gofundme page? She made more money this year than any of Us and you know she’s going to turn this into a payday too.