A bullet can mean life or death if your running low on ammo. Why would you have her waste a bullet that could go to actually defending herself??? A sense of closure doesnt stop a walker from nomming your neck!
A bullet can mean life or death if your running low on ammo. Why would you have her waste a bullet that could go to actually defending herself??? A sense of closure doesnt stop a walker from nomming your neck!
I really dont understand all of this Andrea hate. I havent read TWD graphic novels so I cant compare her. But in the context of the show, her reactions and motives have made sense to me. In the first couple seasons, Dale was her counter argument, and while he might have felt like the 'saintly ol' grandpa' to most…
Oh!!! So THATS what zombies were missing! Love! Better go tell that to the nervous scientist guy from Walking Dead so Andrea doesnt have to save his stupid ass!
There are conventions and conferences for black writers, latino educators, jewish doctors, female athletes, people with rare diseases and disabilities, pet owners of god-knows how many types of pets, groups and sub-groups of sub-groups of religions and faith groups. None of them are created to shut out society. They…
This 'gaymer' debate isnt just about a convention vs a website owner. Its also been about who can use the term on the web, like the case of the gaymer sub-reddit. The term had existed in internet conversation and as a term to easily identify gay gaming fans for years before Vizzin's copywrite. It just so happens that…
All that comes to mind is Jim Carey's character in 'I Love You Phillip Morris' and how ridiculously sad it was that he ab-so-lutely could not simply be honest about anything. This is a sinking ship this guy seems determined to save, somehow.
Eeeeeeeeewwwwwww.... ewww! :(
Yeah, remember hearing that having RE4 as a Gamecube exclusive was part of a package deal with some other Capcom games. I guess perhaps Capcom could fill those slots with any game of their choosing but if I were Nintendo I would have vehemently pushed for staples like Street Fighter, RE and Mega Man.
When I was younger, anime tropes just didnt bother me at all. The drawn out battles, the goofy girls fighting for one boring boy whose only real character trait is wanting to do 'the right thing', and the hundreds of high school plotlines. But those just dont seem to be things I can age with. I do still like anime…
I understand making fun of the ridiculously impossible poses, but I do consider some exaggeration of the female form (like the male form) to be legit for artistic expression. It seems however the artists doing the spoof pics arent really translating the poses to males, as much as following the same exact shape and…
Believe it or not there are conceded people in reality who will write you off if sex isnt involved. Im just as shocked as you.
As kid no other movie thrilled me or fascinated me than Jurassic Park. I became an instant Dinosaur/DNA/cloning fanatic and it was all I could think about. My friends and I loved the movie so much that we would pretend we were riding our bikes through JP with T-Rex and Raptors stalking us through the woods. I know…
Looks like some dudes horrible tribal tatoo to me :/
Im not keen on how ME3 ended, but Ive let it go. Bioware thought they were being smart, philosophical, etc. while I think it was out of place with the previous games and their themes. Whatever. Whats done is done. I loved the other 98% of ME3.
ME3 is still so recent that I would have to say a prequel. There are alot of events that happened previously to ME that I dont really understand them even with the codex. I assume many of the events are touched on in the novels/graphic novels but I really dont feel like reading them, ME is a series that feels most…
Really wish they could make the seasons 2 or 3 episodes longer. Last season felt really squandered with some of the characters and events they focused on.
I'd say Middle Earth wins only because they actually have to deal with superhuman monsters as the norm whereas Westeros hasnt dealt with it in centuries. Aragon would win due to forging his skills as a way of life whereas Jaime's was a decision based on class and expectations. Jaime also has the disadvantage of having…
The world need a little 'Eclipse' now and then! It is a sorta cool idea to play an MMO where everybody dies in the end.