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Not only is he master of retaining a hideously asymmetrical 90s haircut, a rookie cop who becomes a presidential agent because .... he survived??? and a flat character with little to no backstory while falling for the guiles of a woman that would make Wile E Coyote look like an astrophysicist but he is also ...MASTER

Im'a take a stab in the dark guess the reason was something akin to 'The Crying Game'.

Something totally bizarre about that Nina. Her eyes are totally zoned out. Its like "Oh hey there... didnt notice you there while I was in mid-weird leg attack pose thingy."

Great story! Now lets find out all the details on RE6!

Was that chick (wearing lipstick on the battlefield?????) duel weilding a heavy pistol and sub-machine gun!???? You... you CANT DO THAT in Mass Effect! *nerd rages*

So after listening to their Kickstarter video, they basically want to play Skyrim.

I for one welcome are soon-to-be Chinese overlords! Huān yíng!

Bleh, sorry just letting my inner annoyance at people inserting Firefly into anything scifi related like it created the genre. I find it overrated. :/

I would honestly like to play the scenerio that distinguished Shepard into the position of Spectre candidate. Theres details about it, yeah, but it just doesnt illustrate how impressive Shepard was. Your just this guy (or chick) who was all awesomesauce and now you're picked for this amazeballs new position. Shepards

Throw out Star Wars and a slew of sci-fi fiction that came out before Firefly was ever conceived... but ok.

".... a video game series about destiny. About fate. About people who fight against near-insurmountable odds to accomplish things that shouldn't be possible."

I wouldnt call this a problem. Its not like there is no one playing Charr and Asura. Honestly though for a creator of an MMORPG he should have a bit of familiarity with certain player habits when looking at previous MMORPGs.The majority of players will always be more attracted to more human and humanoid races simply

It seems to me that the majority of the popularity of the song in the US stems from the video. I mean it was parodied and talked about on the web/tv so much this summer that its less of a case of sincere interest in Korean pop and more "LOLZ what a funny fat man I can do that TOO!!!"

That scene... I couldnt sleep for weeks as child.

Its ugly in a quirky, neurotic sense, which I guess is kinda neat. I'll be expecting Rango to run through one of the frames.

This is what I dont get. Is the problem that they dont set RE games in the castle/mansion/ graveyard OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, or that they at least try to expand it to other areas of the world??? And dont get me wrong, Revelations was great but it is essential that same tanker setting from RE5. You even fight a

I agree. But Im in the minority that I exclude the original RE all together and dont acknowledge it because the Remake was soo good. Otherwise, i would say the Remake was.

RE 2 has the best plot. The contrast of that urban setting yet feeling so alone and vulnerable has never been copied successfully in any RE game since. The police station was an amazing area and totally threw me for a loop considering the Umbrella laboratory you end up in (I had yet to play the first RE.) Character's

RE 4 was refreshing gameplay for the series but the story made no sense what so ever. Why the hell has Leon gone from a a rookie cop (who never actually went on duty in Racoon) to a presidential agent? Why the hell should I care about that ruffled shirt Spanish dude? Why the hell am I going from industrial warehouses

Been watching some mid-end of game playthroughs and there seems to be a tremendous amount to cutscene, quicktime response, cutscene, then quicktime response going on. Just seems like a lot of interruptions in actual gameplay happening.