
If you ask me, they all got off easy!

I just cant get over the 'Awwwww cute' factor of sleeping teddybear Chris!

Exactly what I thought!

The point is to have the option available for those who DO care. I mean really, is it that much effort to click NEXT and use the default appearance? What's the point of slaying dragons and looting tomes in a virtual environment anyway?

People do the same Ryu/Ken scenerio OVER and OVER and OVER... I would rather see a good Cammy Vs Vega/Bison battle.

Oh saw this coming a mile away. I was totally prepared for a multiple part quest where Aria demands that you confront Cerberus forces on Omega. When it never happened I scratched my head. In all honesty Im tired of playing my Shepard and I think it would be cooler to play as Aria in some type of flashback scenerio. I

Ashanti! Please tell me they revived Bird Pecked Ashanti! She was the best characterin the the whole series!

Oh wait a second! Im on the interwebs where people write down whatever shit dribbles from their mind without a second thought due to the lack of the filter known as face to face interaction! I TOTALLY FORGOT! This is new! I cannot believe people do this! Presidence I tell you!

Im just waiting for someone to cosplay a Banshee. Of course you KNOW they're going to go for "sexified hot girl Banshee"... which will be a disappointment.

Blah Im ranty ranty like a grouchy pants.

I remember this! Its horribly cheesetastic! and I love the guy who retracts violently backwards when his avatar is thrown. Genius!

I get what they were trying to do but its a really old, probably quick, probably cheap and goofy way of adversting a game. Glad they did actually use some in game footage. though.

I know it shouldnt be a surprise but sometimes I forget athletes can be thoughtful with diverse tastes and outlooks. Makes me wish I had been more open to sports as a kid. I think he grasps the issue of JRPGs better than alot of straight-up geeks do.

I thought Kasumi was stellar, and if werent for the emotional attachment I had to Liara, the amazing Shadow Broker ship and the final battle, it would have been as good as Shadow Broker. Kasumi 's quest very James Bond-esque which I LOVED. Kasumi has some of the funniest, quirkiest and entertaining dialogue of the

Ok this is AMAZBALLS. The fact that someone got such cinematic shots and the AI seems to be behaving so well in such large numbers. I decided to skip Dawnguard though, am I missing much? It just didnt look that interesting, Im more interested in an actual world expansion.

I enjoyed RE5 more than RE4, sacrilege, right? I mean the storyline and characters in RE4 were just too goofy for me and didnt seem to tie into the themes of the RE series as well as RE5 did. I mean, a religious cult with a Napoleonic midget and some random salesman hanging out in dangerous areas!? Its really too

Im really surprised RE STILL sticks to the gun (or projectiles) as the only weapon. It would make it more immersive to pick up a steel pipe in a steam room to beat down slow moving zombies or a baseball bat in a sports store. Melee is fine and dandy but incorporating the environment seems more creative than making the

Soooo glad I JUST READ about 'the hand' or else it may have been spoiled.

I made up War Chief... and Slam Dunk (God, I hope thats not a real character). It was a bit of an exaggeration but the jist of what I meant.

I really thought I had related my immediate and superficial idea of the character based on a 2 dimensional impression but I guess that went over your head. And from a lot of comments of those who dislike the character it seems to be not akin to my own reasons but that he seems like a Mary Sue type character with his