
I disagree. Its pretty obvious by the sheer volume of alternate outfits they pump out that are created by their paid staff that this is primarily being done for fan engagement. This is their final season and if they were just being stingy with funds they could asked for free fan designs for ages now and fans would

Well, as a black northern progressive I have to say... you southern Christian old black voters are a blight on this nation. Thanks to you Trump will bury a senile old fool with a crappy moral track record on social and bureaucratic issues under the ridiculous weight of his conspiracy hungry cult. Get ready for a

Jezus, theres so much wrong with this thinking. Its offensive to military institutions because you are pretty considering them as dumping grounds for rehabilitation... they are not. They are not psychiatric counseling; which this guy definately needs if he doesnt already. Plenty of honest, well meaning people, of

This just seems like Deviantart fanart. At least in the past you featured artists with versatility in multiple styles and original concept work but this is dissapointing and could have featured someone with much more skill.

Foppish??? *cringe* When was the Joker NOT foppish? The whole point to his aesthetic is the metropolitan classiness of his attire against clown makeup. The way you use the word as if they got something wrong about his fundamental look makes no sense and comes off as really homophobic.

Now playing

One of the finest human beings I know and wonderful singer, Mercy Bell, has her pop country album out on itunes and other stores today.

There is something horrible going on in America. Why do ultra rich, male celebrities who thrive on bravado keep getting hurt in these jacked up, tricked out expensive sports cars??? Who is doing this to these poor men???!

The first 10 or 15 minutes of the first RE film are promising but after Mary Sue... I mean ALICE runs up a wall and kicks a dog in mid air the affair just spirals out of control for a decade. I was REALLY hoping for a RE show that could slowly develop the STARS team, Umbrella and Racoon City. Theres alot that could be

Fallout 76... a masterpiece...of crap.

As someone who has loved Kotaku and the thoughtful and progressive writing it has put forward on games and the industry, I just think you fail monumentally when it comes to corporate behavior in the macro. The effects of crunch and bad work environments are issues the site posits for change but when a company like

I love how less than a week of new MSQ is enough for people... on top of a monthly sub rivaling most streaming sevices... all so you can GRIND TOMES for the next 2 years until the next Xpac....I miss MMOs that took months to reach the climax of an expansion, not theme park rides where 1/4 of the pop goes back to WoW

Is there any tension in this series? Kratos is like the colonialist killer of gods going to one pantheon to another for what reason exactly????

Its not a blanket statement, I clearly said that its from my own vantage point and not an absolute. I would honestly suggest you look at Contrapoint’s youtube video on “traps” and the groups she talks about and how they see such art. You might learn something! Thank you ToiletDefender, I also love your lack of avatar

Ive been seeing alot of bad faith actors claiming their sexual fetishing of “futanari” as some sort of support of “trans people.” Its honestly a sexist, narrow selfish view of a trans person and the reality of transitioning; often times glamorizing male to female procedures resulting in porn star bodies with massive

People who reproduced made this game!? WOOOOOOOOOW!

I had the exact opposite experience in graphic design school. I just wanted to show up, do the work and get my degree. Myself and a few others were passively admonished for our lack of exuberance. Because we did not schmooze with our professors about the genius of artistic movements of the past or give Shakespearean

I played it at launch and although I will acknowledge it probably has become a more stable and enjoyable exprience, it just fundamentally ignores what makes TES great and uses it to paint over a mediocre MMO. The combat was floaty, quests were far more basic and linear and the world looked cramped as hell. The feeling


The point of the Serial podcast was never to clear or implicate Adnan or anyone whose been featured on it. The point the podcast has always had was to show how muddled and complex the justice system can be. Too many people were brainwashed with expectations from SVU and procedural crime dramas instead of learning how