
That was way funnier than those brother's Skyrim films! Its not drawn out and focuses on a single game element which works a whole lot better to me.

Im not as psyched about this game as I initially was about a year ago. While the videos make it out to be creepy and portray a narrative to the areas you investigate, I doubt the actual multiplayer experience will translate that. With groups of people focused on "KILL KILL", "I need this loot", and farming for

Wow he is pretty fast for a fat, durpy looking chap!

Agreed. I love these designs and the landscapes are gorgeous. It fits with LotR, especially the aesthetic that the films had set forth, yet has soo many details that make it far from boring to me. I think a lot of developers miss the actual context that costumes play to the character. In alot of JRPG designs the

I just wanted to ask, since digital distribution is the inevitable future of games, what would your royalty check be from digitally distributed games? Wouldnt that cut out even the royalties you get from used game sales?

Poor girl, I wonder, why the long face : - I

James Vega's nose disturbs me. Ima' have'ta paper that shit.

Thats totally how I saw ME2 like. It seems like people wanted it to have the same epic scale as the first ME but Bioware had wanted to make the game into a series for quite a long time. It wouldnt have left them with too many feasible places to go if the whole plot was focused on the ultimate conflict of the series.

All I see is a guy in front of an image. Maybe my brain isnt MIGHTY enough but they dont read as occupying the same space to me.

I'd much rather play a single player Marvel action RPG. With that said its too bad Bioware didnt make one and we got X-Men Destiny instead. Superhero MMOs just dont work for me since they take away the uniqueness of being a superhero by submerging you in environments with hundreds of other people in spandex, blasting,

It would be interesting if it were Hunk but I dont think it is at all. Capcom LOVES to introduce new characters into the series that you never see again and are only relevent to that specific game. I remember hoping the raven masked female in RE5 was Sherry... NOPE! Just Jill in tighter clothes, blonde hair, and

Not in the Playstation RE. That was introd in the Remake.

I give up on trying to protest these abortions of cinema.

Thanks, though another organization is hinted even before RE5 in the CGI movie RE:Degeneration and to a certain extent in Code Veronica.

Oh man! I said I was never going to play another RE game after 5 (although I liked 5 enough.) I just dont see the point after Wesker died. The fact that outbreaks like Racoon have happened soo many times is ridiculous. Multiple outbreaks seems more dynamic though. That blonde girls has the most annoying voice of any

I dunno, I think if Sega were able to make a console cheap enough, with enough decent titles the cult of nostalgia might give it the boost to just be successful. I think if they were to except the fact that, while they wont OWN the market on consoles, they could have a success which they could slowly build upon. So

Lady, I think you dropped your camera :/

*signals to the dumptruck* Put 'er over there in the pile with all the other asian girls posing erotically and vulnerably dressed as Mia Shiranui! What was that you say? We should burn the pile and bury it in order to make room for interesting and unique cosplay?!! Are you INSANE!??

Yeah bros! Lets do away with all these dumb gross chicks anyway and get some more hot, sweaty, muscled guys with round ....firm asses...tight cut six packs and full packages. Mmmmmm... yeahhhh... :)

Apparently people want to snap without reading what I was saying. This wasnt some attack on creative costume design. I was asking about scenarios where wacky costume design was actually incorporated into the mechanics/ storyline of the game. An instance where a joke or real use of the characters attire was used. The