
When its a fashion sense of a hundred different worlds, of a hundred different games you would think someone could stop for a sec and say "Hmmm why am I designing this way?"

Has there ever been a JRPG game that has given a REASON for the characters ridiculously over-designed outfits. I mean has there ever been a point when one of the characters reveals that they can construct a rope ladder out of their dozens of belts in a bind?! Ive seen these chicks a million times yet their actaul

I think the comparison is off. Alien is to Resident Evil as Aliens is to RE2. The first two Alien films have quite a lot of unison to them (albeit different amounts action). RE4 is more like Alien 4. Alien 4 was praised by some fans with uping the action, and the addition of Joss Whedon's comic style of writing but it

As someone who was glad to see the Mako replaced with the Hammerhead (although it still has its problems) I didnt hate the idea of the original planet exploration. The problem for me, as you mentioned was that far too many planet's terrains/textures and structures were recycled to much to continue fostering my

Ho ho ho, no way this can blow up in your face Capcom JP! This is a PR GOLDMIIIIIINE!!!

Is the Australian/English sounding dude from the very first ME3 trailer still an optional teammate? He just seemed cooler to me, especially if he had the personality of Eames from Inception.

I do agree, Skyrim can get a bit overwhelming with the amount of quests that spider-web near and far from one single area. As much as I try to branch out at an even pace I find areas in between my origin and goal that might take up an hour and have me back tracking to sell my loot and upgrade my trade skills. Its

I really wish this could have been a film inspired by Akira and not an attempt to cash in on the name and swap around Japanese for Americans. A really good writer could have created something with elements of Akira and made something original and new in the process but it seems studios just want to cash in on film

Id guess 90% of japanese models dont know what the fuck they are posing with/promoting.

How about : Dragon Age: Bar Mitzvah

I always thought Leon looked like a J-pop star. And theres still this...

Looks the same to me, then again I never had a problem with the look of the game, or the battle system for that matter. The real problem for me was the lazy catch 22 plot, lack of open world exploration and the games refusal to really give you a chance to truly experiment with the battle system for the first 3/4ths of

Still hoping for at least one more character from the continent of Africa. All these warriors from "around the world" and the only on I can relate to is Azazazela-gargamel or whatever his name is...I never even play him.

As long as it wasn't this guy....

While ridiculous to imagine, it does seem kinda badass, motherly, and epic... makes me wanna cry!

.hack the anime was one of the slowest, most boring and underwhelming anime series I have ever seen. They were in an MMO yet would go whole episodes soliloquizing about friendship and existence. The whole thing felt like "Hey! Lets put Evangelion in an MMO zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

ughh, he's always been a mega douche bag to interview, good to see he hasn't changed


Tomb Raider is perhaps one of the only videogame films that succeeded to me. The original Tomb Raider games didn't have a huge deep arcing storyline, THEY WERE ABOUT A BIG BREASTED BRITISH CHICK W/ GUNS!!! God RE games look like LOST compared to the first Tomb Raider games. The film showed of Angelina's bod, had some

I would be SO freaking OVERJOYED if he died in a massively bloody, fiery death... Im horrible... I know.